Directions to Bremen

By Car

Via Highway


If you are coming from the A1, take the A27 towards Bremerhaven at the Bremer Kreuz interchange.

Leave the freeway at Exit 19, Bremen Horn-Lehe. Follow the Autobahnzubringer to the end and turn right into Universitätsallee.

At the first street (Enrique-Schmidt-Str.) turn right and then immediately right again into Max-von-Laue-Str.

From there you can already see the white institute building of Fraunhofer MEVIS at Max-von-Laue-Str. 2.

Opposite the front of the building are barrier-free visitor parking spaces and Fraunhofer MEVIS's own car park, which visitors can also use. To do so, drive up to the boom barrier and press the bell.