Wissenschaftscampus 2016: Career springboard for women in scientific research

From March 7 to March 10, Fraunhofer will offer a special opportunity to young researchers: In the context of Wissenschaftscampus organized by Fraunhofer MEVIS together with Fraunhofer IFAM and Fraunhofer IWES, female students in the fields mathematics, IT, natural science and technology (MINT) will have the possibility to peek behind the scenes of the institute for computer support for image-based medicine.
Different events will be offered: talks and explanations of the technologies and solution of Fraunhofer MEVIS and proposals for the students to participate actively. In diverse workshops and seminars the attendees will learn more about publishing scientific papers; the other Bremen Fraunhofer institutes will provide more workshops and seminars. On the last day, all institutes will focus on the topic “career”: Fraunhofer MEVIS will train their participants in job interviews to identify their competences and to concrete their career aims.
At the end of each day, a nice evening program will invite the students to get to know each other and the staff of Fraunhofer MEVIS better. By events like Wissenschaftscampus, Fraunhofer contributes to women making their presence felt in research and development.