Three awards for MEVIS researcher at workshop “Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin”
Fraunhofer MEVIS researcher Frank Heckel, Florian Tramnitzke and Nick Weiss have been awarded at the workshop „Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (BVM 2015)“ which took place in Lübeck, March 15-17.
Frank Heckel received the BVM-Award 2015 for his dissertation "Sketch-Based Interactive Segmentation and Segmentation Editing for Oncological Therapy Monitoring" submitted to Jacobs University Bremen and supervised by Prof. Horst Hahn. The thesis is dealing with the development and validation of algorithms for efficiently and reliably measuring tumors in computertomographic image data. The developed methods are especially useful for monitoring the success of cancer therapies.
Another BVM-Award 2015 was awarded to Florian Tramitzke for his master’s thesis “GPU Based Affine Linear Image Registration” submitted to the University of Lübeck. In his work he considerably accelerated the registration of images acquired with different modalities or at different points in time using the capabilities of graphics processing units.
Finally, Nick Weiss received the award for the best scientific presentation at BVM 2015 with title „Multimodal Image Registration in Digital Pathology Using Cell Nuclei Densities“.