Virtual Open House With The Mouse at Fraunhofer MEVIS on October 3rd
Organized as digital online event, we are opening the doors and inviting kids and their parents to join a virtual tour of our MRI Center at Fraunhofer MEVIS on Sunday, October 3rd. MEVIS joins the initiative „Maus Türöffner-Tag” by the WDR „Die Sendung mit der Maus” opening doors all over Germany to discover exciting and interesting facts and sites.
MEVIS wants to show curious kids and parents how medical imaging with MR (magnetic resonance) works. We show them around and explain how an MRI operates, how we get images from the inside of melons and mangos without slicing. We will use our software and count the melon seeds. And most excitingly we will explain how we acquire images from the brain and estimate its size.
MEVIS uses its MR scanner for research on modern medical imaging techniques without contrast agents. During the Open House, we want to demonstrate our research interests very descriptively to kids. The Maus Open House broadens MEVIS’ manifold and diversified educational program for kids and students.
More information and registration:
- Open House With The Mouse Page (German) (
- WDR "Maus Türöffner-Tag" (German)