Fraunhofer MEVIS at the 41st Ars Electronica Festival, taking place in Kepler's Garden in Linz and at 120 destinations around the globe from September 9 to 13, 2020

We are delighted to be part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2020, with a guided tour, and a talk.
Alongside our outstanding partners from Marshmallow Laser Feast (MLF) the researchers are jointly presenting a unique virtual tour of the Institute’s MRI Lab, including audience engagement and conversations with artists from Marshmallow Laser Feast and scientists from Fraunhofer MEVIS.
The tour takes us on a journey into the human body, followed by a panel discussion, Q&A, and audience engagement in a hands-on medical imaging session. Barnaby Steel from Marshmallow Laser Feast, in collaboration with Matthias Günther, Sabrina Haase, Bianka Hofmann, Alexander Köhn, and Hanne Ballhausen from Fraunhofer MEVIS, will take us on a unique trip into the human body. We will look behind the scenes, showing how artists and scientists benefit from their collaboration and advance their practices. We start the tour at the MEVIS MRI lab and then peek into the MLF workflow, where medical data feeds an artistic vision. The partners have been working on a long-term collaboration entitled “The Tides Within Us.” This project aims to challenge the notion of the boundary between our bodies and our environment. “The Tides Within Us” is due to premiere in the UK at a major art event during autumn 2020. After the Q&A, the audience will engage in a hands-on session with scientists, using the web-based tool Insight Inside and interact with medical images using their computers.
Online Tour Ars Electronica 2020: The Tides within Us
Saturday, September 12, 2020, 10 am UTC
Participants: 14+, everyone interested in the making of “The Tides Within Us” and the scientific basics of medical imaging.
Equipment: PC or Laptop WITH MOUSE (no mobile device), web browser (preferably Chrome).
Registration required
The tour is held via Zoom. Password-protected links for participation in the tour will be sent to all participants by e-mail at least two days before the event.
The talk, entitled Visualization of Medical Data, by Mathias Neugebauer will be part of the Garden Los Angeles at UCLA ART|SCI Lab + STUDIOS.
We present a basic introduction to medical visualization for a broad, interested non-expert audience. “One look is worth a thousand words.” We will look at visualizations that we deal with on a daily basis and derive basic concepts from them. From there, we will see how these concepts apply to scientific, medical visualization and how we can achieve results like the stereoscopic 3D-short-movie “Virtual Journey Through the Heart,” part of the permanent program in the Deep Space 8K theater at the Ars Electronica Center. Find a 2D preview here:
Friday, September 11, 2020, 4 pm UTC