
  • Fraunhofer Mevis / April 25, 2024

    Girls Day 2024

    © Kompetenzzentrum Technik-Diversity-Chancengleichheit e.V.

    At our Girls' Day, you will learn from researchers of the Fraunhofer MEVIS institute how medical images are generated and how these are transferred to the PC...

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  • Informatics Forum & Inspace Gallery / April 05, 2024, 18:00 – 20:00 BST

    Exhibition Opening “The BOX” with Panel Discussion

    Panel discussion on "Transformative spaces: science-art residencies" and Exhibition opening "The BOX" with on Friday, April 5, 2024, at Informatics Forum and Inspace Gallery, Edinburgh

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  • G.03, Bayes Centre / April 04, 2024, 12:00 - 13:00 BST / 13:30 - 15:30 BST

    MRI Sequence Composition Beyond Academia

    Fraunhofer MEVIS will present the concept to employees and students, as well as an interested audience in Edinburgh. The direct exchange with the participants intends to promote a deeper understanding of the possibilities and challenges of MRI sequence development.

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  • Congress Centrum Bremen / February 14, 2024

    "AI – Curse or Blessing"

    As part of the 34th Symposium on Intensive Care Medicine, experts on the podium will discuss the topic "AI - curse or blessing", including Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Karl Hahn, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS. In addition to the challenges, effects, goals and opportunities of AI, which has already changed the medical sector and is becoming increasingly important in more and more areas, legal and ethical issues will also be discussed.

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  • Hochschule Bremerhaven / December 07, 2023 - December 08, 2023

    Conference: MRI for Cultural Heritage Objects

    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques represent promising opportunities for the study of material cultural heritage in many respects. However, compared to techniques such as microscopy, endoscopy or various computed tomographic (CT) methods, its range of applications has so far only been rudimentarily exploited. Three member institutes of the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA) will form a unique transdisciplinary and regional alliance between the German Maritime Museum (DSM), Fraunhofer MEVIS, and the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes at the University of Bremen, to host the conference on December 7 and 8, 2023. The conference MRI for Cultural Heritage Objects is dedicated to state current research in the field of complementary methods and technologies for the monitoring in conservation of historical and archaeological objects.

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  • Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe Hamburg / November 23, 2023

    AI in medicine: new opportunities for medical professionals

    As part of the "75 years of the Marburger Bund Hamburg" anniversary celebrations, experts, including the deputy director of Fraunhofer MEVIS, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Schenk, took part in a panel discussion on the topic of "How is AI changing the medical profession? The panel shed light on the challenges, effects, goals and opportunities of AI, which has already changed the medical profession and is becoming increasingly important in more and more areas.

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  • Whose Scalpel 2.0 is an audio-visual art performance that explores the intersection of technology and sensory perception. In this piece, the artist's cardiac MRI data are presented through technological devices, highlighting the progression of medicine and its cultural implications. During the live performance, the artist lets real time heart rate data from the artist, a dancer, and the audience influence the presentation and experience of images and sounds.

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  • Fraunhofer MEVIS / October 09, 2023

    Breast Health Awareness

    By women for women: Schoolgirls, their friends, mothers and scientists exchange ideas on breast health.

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