Image Registration


Mono-Modal and Multi-Modal Registration

We develop sound and efficient solutions for rigid, affine, and deformable registration for a wide range of applications and image types. Supported modalities include CT, MR, PET, SPECT, interventional modalities such as CBCT and US, histological H&E and immunohistochemical stains, as well as preclinical and biological modalities like spectral MALDI imaging and light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSM/SPIM).

Flexible Framework

We developed a unified, flexible, and extensible theoretical framework for variational image registration that is independent of third-party software. Our methods build on a strong mathematical background. This includes various aspects from applied mathematics like mathematical modeling, variational approaches, partial differential equations, scientific computing like numerical optimization, numerical linear algebra, high performance computing, image and signal processing.

Tailored Solutions

We develop and put in practice methods for modeling application conformal constraints into registration. Examples are keeping a-priori known corresponding landmarks, locally rigid motion of bones, volume preservation of tumors, or guaranteed topology preservation.

Efficient Implementations

Speed matters. Besides efficient optimization and numerical schemes we are taking full computational advantage of available standard hardware such as multi-core CPUs and GPUs. We develop and provide efficient parallel implementations purely based on CPUs as well as solutions that run with the power of GPUs.

Gigapixel Image Registration

Computational pathology and biology are rapidly emerging fields that request processing extremely large images. The size of single images ranges from gigabytes up to terabytes. We address these computational challenges and develop techniques that allow fast and highly accurate registration of 2D and 3D gigapixel images.

Flexible Integration

We provide registration software to our partners on all levels ranging from functional research prototypes to efficient quality-assured (EN ISO 13485 and EN 62304) components for use in medical devices. Typical products are C/C++ libraries (DLLs), command line tools, or standalone applications available for all major operating systems. Our software is designed for easy integration in our partners' environments.
