Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Schenk

Research Interests

  • Medical image analysis and visualization for diagnosis, decision support and therapy
  • Development and application of AI algorithms in medicine
  • Hepatic interventions and oncological therapies
  • Transfer of research results into clinical applications


Kock F, Thielke F, Abolmaali N, Meine H, Schenk A (2024) Suitability of DNN-based vessel segmentation for SIRT planning. Int J CARS 19(2):233–240
Kraft V, Schumann C, Salzmann D, Weyhe D, Zachmann G, Schenk A (2024) A Clinical User Study Investigating the Benefits of Adaptive Volumetric Illumination Sampling. IEEE TVCG 30(12):7571–7578


Bilic P, Christ P, Li HB, Vorontsov E, Ben-Cohen A, Kaissis G, Szeskin A, Jacobs C, Mamani GEH, Chartrand G, Lohöfer F, Holch JW, Sommer W, Hofmann F, Hostettler A, Lev-Cohain N, Drozdzal M, Amitai MM, Vivanti R, Sosna J, Ezhov I, Sekuboyina A, Navarro F, Kofler F, Paetzold JC, Shit S, Hu X, Lipková J, Rempfler M, Piraud M, Kirschke J, Wiestler B, Zhang Z, Hülsemeyer C, Beetz M, Ettlinger F, Antonelli M, Bae W, Bellver M, Bi L, Chen H, Chlebus G, Dam EB, Dou Q, Fu C-W, Georgescu B, Giró-i-Nieto X, Gruen F, Han X, Heng P-A, Hesser J, Moltz JH, Igel C, Isensee F, Jäger P, Jia F, Kaluva KC, Khened M, Kim I, Kim J-H, Kim S, Kohl S, Konopczynski T, Kori A, Krishnamurthi G, Li F, Li H, Li J, Li X, Lowengrub J, Ma J, Maier-Hein K, Maninis K-K, Meine H, Merhof D, Pai A, Perslev M, Petersen J, Pont-Tuset J, Qi J, Qi X, Rippel O, Roth K, Sarasua I, Schenk A, Shen Z, Torres J, Wachinger C, Wang C, Weninger L, Wu J, Xu D, Yang X, Yu SC-H, Yuan Y, Yue M, Zhang L, Cardoso J, Bakas S, Braren R, Heinemann V, Pal C, Tang A, Kadoury S, Soler L, van Ginneken B, Greenspan H, Joskowicz L, Menze B (2023) The Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS). Medical Image Analysis 84:102680
Gerken A, Thielke F, Meine H, Singer S, Froelich MF, Becker LS, Hinrichs J, Schenk A (2023) Importance of the late hepatobiliary phase of DCE-MRI for automatic liver lesion detection and segmentation. European Congress of Radiology
Kock F, Thielke F, Abolmaali N, Meine H, Schenk A (2023) Suitability of DNN-based vessel segmentation for SIRT planning. Int J CARS
Reinschluessel AV, Muender T, Fischer R, Kraft V, Uslar VN, Weyhe D, Schenk A, Zachmann G, Döring T, Malaka R (2023) Versatile Immersive Virtual and Augmented Tangible OR – Using VR, AR and Tangibles to Support Surgical Practice. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, Hamburg, Germany, pp 1–5
Thielke F, Kock F, Hänsch A, Abolmaali N, Schenk A, Meine H (2023) Combining arterial and venous CT scans in a multi-encoder network for improved hepatic vessel segmentation. Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2023: Image Processing. Proc.SPIE 12464, 124640B


Chlebus G, Schenk A, Hahn HK, Van Ginneken B, Meine H (2022) Robust Segmentation Models Using an Uncertainty Slice Sampling-Based Annotation Workflow. IEEE Access 10:4728–4738
Hänsch A, Thielke F, Meine H, Rennebaum S, Froelich MF, Becker LS, Hinrichs JB, Schenk A (2022) Robust Liver Segmentation with Deep Learning Across DCE-MRI Contrast Phases. In: Maier-Hein K, Deserno TM, Handels H, Maier A, Palm C, Tolxdorff T (eds) Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, pp 13–18
Hänsch A, Chlebus G, Meine H, Thielke F, Kock F, Paulus T, Abolmaali N, Schenk A (2022) Improving automatic liver tumor segmentation in late-phase MRI using multi-model training and 3D convolutional neural networks. Sci Rep 12:12262

Since 2022

Professor for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis and Therapy, Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hannover Medical School, Germany
Since 2015 Member of Management Board, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany
Since 2012   Head of Liver Research, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany
2014–2015 Lecturer at Hochschule Bremerhaven, Germany
2013–2018 Equal opportunity officer, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany
2012 Doctoral Dissertation: “Liver Segmentation and its Application to Hepatic Interventions, University Bremen (summa cum laude)
2009–2011 Principal scientist at Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany
2000–2008 (Senior) Research scientist at MEVIS Research, Bremen, Germany
1998–1999 Research assistant at CeVis, University of Bremen, Germany
1997 Diploma Thesis "Approximation und Limitierung bei der Radon-Inversion", Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
1993–1994 Semester abroad, University College Dublin, Ireland
1991–1997 Studied Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
1988–1991 Apprenticeship as Mathematical-Technical Assistant, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund, Germany














2022 Norddeutscher Zukunftspreis für Künstliche Intelligenz, awarded by the Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Lübeck
2018               Joseph von Fraunhofer Preis 2018, leader of the team with S. Zidowitz und A. Köhn (Fraumhofer MEVIS), Topic: „Algorithms for liver surgery - operating more safely worldwide
2017–2022       Member of the Fraunhofer executive development program “Vintage Class”
2015                Proposed as one of 25 teams for the Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2015, leader of the team with Dr. Lutz Gündel (Siemens) and Florian Link (MeVis Medical Solutions AG), Topic: „Innovative image analysis methods for more safety in surgery
2014–2016       Member of the Fraunhofer career program TALENTA excellence for female scientists
2009                Poster of Distinction: “Regeneration of Segment IV in Left Lobe Remnants: Analysis of Outflow Obstructed Territories in Computed Tomography Data”, Annual Meeting of the International Liver Transplantation Society, New York, USA
2006                Award (1. Preis) for the best poster and software presentation: “Evaluation of vessel analysis and volumetry for the planning of living donor liver transplantations”, Conference Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Leipzig, Germany
2000–2003       PhD scholarship from the Federal State Bremen, Germany
1999                Multimedia award of the German Röntgen Society for the contribution „An image processing system for preoperative planning in liver surgery
1993/1994      Erasmus scholarship for a semester abroad at the University College Dublin, Ireland