Daniel Romberg

Research Interests

  • software architecture
  • real-time image processing
  • cloud computing



Bisson T, Franz M, Dogan O I, Romberg D, Jansen C, Hufnagl P, Zerbe N (2023) Anonymization of whole slide images in histopathology for research and education. Digital Health 9:205520762311714
Jansen C, Lindequist B, Strohmenger K, Romberg D, Küster T, Weiss N, Franz M, Schwen LO, Evans T, Homeyer A, Zerbe N (2023) The vendor-agnostic EMPAIA platform for integrating AI applications into digital pathology infrastructures. Future Generation Computer Systems 140:209–224


Jansen C, Strohmenger K, Romberg D, Küster T, Weiss N, Lindequist B, Franz M, Homeyer A, Zerbe N (2022) The EMPAIA Platform: Vendor-neutral integration of AI applications into digital pathology infrastructures. Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid). IEEE, pp 1017–1027
Romberg D, Strohmenger K, Jansen C, Küster T, Weiss N, Geißler C, Sołtysiński T, Takla M, Hufnagl P, Zerbe N, Homeyer A (2022) EMPAIA App Interface: An open and vendor-neutral interface for AI applications in pathology. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 215:106596


Homeyer A, Lotz J, Schwen LO, Weiss N, Romberg D, Höfener H, Zerbe N, Hufnagl P (2021) Artificial intelligence in pathology: From prototype to product. J Pathol Inform 12(1):13


Klein J, Wenzel M, Romberg D, Köhn A, Kohlmann P, Link F, Hänsch A, Dicken V, Stein R, Haase J, Schreiber A, Hahn H, Meine H (2020) QuantMed: Component-based DL platform for translational research. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging: Imaging Informatics for Healthcare, Research, and Applications. 113180U:pp 1–8


Zimmermann J, Demedts D, Mirzaee H, Ewert P, Stern H, Meierhofer C, Menze B, Hennemuth A (2018) Wall shear stress estimation in the aorta: Impact of wall motion, spatiotemporal resolution, and phase noise. J Magn Reson Imaging 48(3):718–728
Zimmermann J, Demedts D, Markl M, Meierhofer C, Stern H, Hennemuth A (2018) Exploring vessel inward normal computation for 4D flow based wall shear stress estimation in complex vessel geometries. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 3435


Mihcin S, Karakitsios I, Le N, Strehlow J, Demedts D, Schwenke M, Haase S, Preusser T, Melzer A (2017) Methodology on quantification of sonication duration for safe application of MR guided focused ultrasound for liver tumour ablation. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 152:125–130
Mihcin S, Strehlow J, Demedts D, Schwenke M, Levy Y, Melzer A (2017) Evidence-based cross validation for acoustic power transmission for a novel treatment system. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol 26(3):151–161
Schwenke M, Strehlow J, Demedts D, Haase S, Barrios Romero D, Rothlübbers S, von Dresky C, Zidowitz S, Georgii J, Mihcin S, Bezzi M, Tanner C, Sat G, Levy Y, Jenne J, Günther M, Melzer A, Preusser T (2017) A focused ultrasound treatment system for moving targets (part I): generic system design and in-silico first-stage evaluation. J Ther Ultrasound 5(1)


Kohlmann P, Boskamp T, Köhn A, Rieder C, Schenk A, Link F, Siems U, Barann M, Kuhnigk J-M, Demedts D, Hahn HK (2016) Remote Visualization Techniques for Medical Imaging Research and Image-Guided Procedures. Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences III. Springer, pp 133–154


Demedts D, Hennemuth A, Meine H, Ojdanic D (2014) Web-based interactive visualization and assessment of medical images for clinical trials. Proc. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery – Display and Visualization. pp S85–S86
Schenk A, Chen L, Yoon JH, Lee JM, Bergmann K, Laue HOA, Strehlow J, Schumann C, Demedts D, Hahn HK (2014) Combined analysis of dynamic Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI and local volume computation for quantitative liver function evaluation. Annual Meeting Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). QRR004
Schumann C, Muecke E, Demedts D, Georgii J, von Dresky C, Preusser T (2014) Interactive Approximation of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Simulation for Arbitrary Transducer Configurations. Proc. of Society of Thermal Medicine. 114
Schumann C, Demedts D, Georgii J, von Dresky C, Preusser T (2014) Computer Assisted Planning of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment of the Liver. Proc. of Image-Guided Interventions (IGIC). pp 33–34


Demedts D, Schumann C, Georgii J, von Dresky C, Preusser T (2013) Hardware-independent pre-interventional planning, simulation, and application of focused ultrasound therapy. 13th International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound. Shanghai, 51
Georgii J, Demedts D, Schumann C, von Dresky C, Preusser T (2013) Computergestützte Planung von Tumortherapien mit hoch-intensivem fokussiertem Ultraschall. Treffpunkt Medizintechnik
Georgii J, v. Dresky C, Meier S, Schumann S, Demedts D, Preusser T (2013) Simulation of HIFU treatments with efficient numerical techniques. Proc. of Society of Thermal Medicine
Georgii J, von Dresky C, Demedts D, Schumann C, Preusser T (2013) Planning of HIFU therapies of moving organs by using numerical simulation techniques. FUS Therapy Symposium


Dresky C v., Georgii J, Jakobsson S, Scherrer A, Demedts D, Schumann C, Meier S, Preusser T (2012) Efficient Computation of Optimal Treatment Plans for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy of Liver Tumors. Focused Ultrasound 2012, 3rd International Symposium. 171


Georgii J, v. Dresky C, Meier S, Demedts D, Schumann C, Preusser T (2011) Focused Ultrasound – Efficient GPU Simulation Methods for Therapy Planning. Proc. of Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS). pp 119–128


Demedts D, Schenk A, Hansen C, Peitgen H-O (2010) Evaluation of Resection Proposals for Liver Surgery Planning. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie (CURAC). pp 13–16