Dr. Jochen Hirsch

Research Interests

  • MR Physics
  • MR Imaging



Mahroo A, Buck MA, Konstandin S, Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Hirsch J, Günther M (2025) New physiological insights using multi-TE ASL MRI measuring blood-brain barrier water exchange after caffeine intake. MAGMA online first


Bamberg F, Schlett CL, Caspers S, Ringhof S, Günther M, Hirsch JG, Rudebusch J, Miklankova P, Bittner N, Jockwitz C, Forsting M, Hosten N, Kaaks R, Kauczor H-U, Kroenke T, Niendorf T, Peters A, Pischon T, Stang A, Berger K, Volzke H (2024) Baseline MRI Examination in the NAKO Health Study-Findings on Feasibility, Participation and Dropout Rates, Comfort, and Image Quality. 587–593
Geißler K, Mensing D, Wenzel M, Hirsch JG, Heldmann S (2024) Towards TotalSegmentator for MRI data leveraging GIN data augmentation. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing. 1292604
Lankenau KM, Brauße E, Schill J, Hirsch JG, Schroder J, Günther M, Schultz T (2024) Multimodal Dementia Screening from Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Conversational Speech. Proceedings of the 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 205300


Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Hirsch J, Günther M (2023) Increased Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Response to Caffeine Challenge. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2582
Schultz B, DeLong LN, Masny A, Lentzen M, Raschka T, van Dijk D, Zaliani A, Hansen AF, Sabine, Rüping KS, Burmeister J, Kohlhammer J, Sarau G, Christiansen S, Kannt A, Zaliani A, Foldenauer AC, Claussen C, Resch E, Frank K, Gribbon P, Kuzikov M, Keminer O, Laue H, Hahn H, Hirsch J, Wischnewski M, Günther M, Archipovas S, Kodamullil AT, Gemünd A, Schultz B, Steinborn C, Ebeling C, Fernández DD, Hermanowski H, Fröhlich H, Klein J, Lentzen M, Jacobs M, Hofmann-Apitius M, Knieps M, Krapp M, Wendland PJ, Wegner P, Khatami SG, Springstubbe S, Linden T, Fluck J, Fröhlich H (2023) A machine learning method for the identification and characterization of novel COVID-19 drug targets. Sci Rep 13(1)
Schuppert C, Rospleszcz S, Hirsch JG, Hoinkiss DC, Köhn A, von Krüchten R, Russe MF, Keil T, Krist L, Schmidt B, Michels KB, Schipf S, Brenner H, Kröncke TJ, Pischon T, Niendorf T, Schulz-Menger J, Forsting M, Völzke H, Hosten N, Bülow R, Zaitsev M, Kauczor HU, Bamberg F, Günther M, Schlett CL (2023) Automated image quality assessment for selecting among multiple magnetic resonance image acquisitions in the German National Cohort study. Sci Rep 13:22745
Schuppert C, von Krüchten R, Hirsch J, Hoinkiss DC, Kaaks R, Bamberg F, Kauczor HU, Günther M, Schlett C (2023) Ganzkörper-Magnetresonanztomographien in der NAKO Gesundheitsstudie: Anwendung einer automatisierten Bildqualitätsanalyse zur Vorhersage der empfunden Bildqualität. 104. Deutscher Röntgenkongress. 195(S 01): S40
Schuppert C, von Krüchten R, Hirsch J, Hoinkiss DC, Kaaks R, Bamberg F, Kauczor HU, Günther M, Schlett C (2023) Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Large Population-Based German National Cohort Study (NAKO): Use of an Automated Image Quality Assessment for the Prediction of Perceived Image Quality. European Congress of Radiology


Hahn T, Ernsting J, Winter NR, Holstein V, Leenings R, Beisemann M, Fisch L, Sarink K, Emden D, Opel N, Redlich R, Repple J, Grotegerd D, Meinert S, Hirsch JG, Niendorf T, Endemann B, Bamberg F, Kröncke T, Bülow R, Völzke H, von Stackelberg O, Sowade RF, Umutlu L, Schmidt B, Caspers S, Kugel H, Kircher T, Risse B, Gaser C, Cole JH, Dannlowski U, Berger K (2022) An uncertainty-aware, shareable, and transparent neural network architecture for brain-age modeling. Sci Adv 8(1)
Mensing D, Hirsch J, Wenzel M, Günther M (2022) 3D (c)GAN for Whole Body MR Synthesis. In: Mukhopadhyay A Oksuz I. Engelhardt S. Zhu D. Yuan Y (ed) Proceedings of the Second MICCAI Workshop, DGM4MICCAI 2022. LNCS 13609, pp 97–105
Peters A, Greiser KH, Gottlicher S, Ahrens W, Albrecht M, Bamberg F, Barnighausen T, Becher H, Berger K, Beule A, Boeing H, Bohn B, Bohnert K, Braun B, Brenner H, Bulow R, Castell S, Damms-Machado A, Dorr M, Ebert N, Ecker M, Emmel C, Fischer B, Franzke C-W, Gastell S, Giani G, Gunther M, Gunther K, Gunther K-P, Haerting J, Haug U, Heid IM, Heier M, Heinemeyer D, Hendel T, Herbolsheimer F, Hirsch J, Hoffmann W, Holleczek B, Holling H, Horlein A, Jockel K-H, Kaaks R, Karch A, Karrasch S, Kartschmit N, Kauczor H-U, Keil T, Kemmling Y, Klee B, Kluppelholz B, Kluttig A, Kofink L, Kottgen A, Kraft D, Krause G, Kretz L, Krist L, Kuhnisch J, Kuss O, Legath N, Lehnich A-T, Leitzmann M, Lieb W, Linseisen J, Loeffler M, Macdonald A, Maier-Hein KH, Mangold N, Meinke-Franze C, Meisinger C, Melzer J, Mergarten B, Michels KB, Mikolajczyk R, Moebus S, Mueller U, Nauck M, Niendorf T, Nikolaou K, Obi N, Ostrzinski S, Panreck L, Pigeot I, Pischon T, Pschibul-Thamm I, Rathmann W, Reineke A, Roloff S, Rujescu D, Rupf S, Sander O, Schikowski T, Schipf S, Schirmacher P, Schlett CL, Schmidt B, Schmidt G, Schmidt M, Schone G, Schulz H, Schulze MB, Schweig A, Sedlmeier AM, Selder S, Six-Merker J, Sowade R, Stang A, Stegle O, Steindorf K, Stubs G, Swart E, Teismann H, Thiele I, Thierry S, Ueffing M, Volzke H, Waniek S, Weber A, Werner N, Wichmann H-E, Willich SN, Wirkner K, Wolf K, Wolff R, Zeeb H, Zinkhan M, Zschocke J (2022) Framework and baseline examination of the German National Cohort (NAKO). Eur J Epidemiol 37:1107–1124
Schuppert C, v. Kruechten R, Hirsch JG, Rospleszcz S, Hoinkiss DC, Selder S, Köhn A, v. Stackelberg O, Peters A, Völzke H, Niendorf T, Forsting M, Hosten N, Hendel T, Pischon T, Jöckel K, Kaaks R, Bamberg F, Kauczor H, Günther M, Schlett C, the German National Cohort MRI Study Investigators (2022) Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Large Population-Based German National Cohort Study. Invest Radiol 57(7):478–487


Hoinkiss DC, Struckmann S, Werner N, Schmidt CO, Günther M, Hirsch J (2020) Long-Time Stability of Image Quality in the German National Cohort (NAKO) Imaging Study Based on Automatic Image Quality Assessment. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. L01.124


Schuppert C, von Krüchten R, Hirsch JG, Hoinkiss DC, von Stackelberg O, Kauczor HU, Bamberg F, Schlett CL (2019) Protocol Repetition in Whole-Body MR Imaging Within a Large Population-Based Cohort Study: Behavior of Radiologic Technologists and Potential of Automated Image Quality Assessment. Proceedings of the 2019 European Congress of Radiology. B-0019


Hirsch JG, Köhn A, Hoinkiss DC, Singe J, Öztürk EEB, Günther M, the NAKO MRI Investigators (2017) Quality Assessment in the Multicenter MR Imaging Study of the German National Cohort (NAKO). Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 4458


Fox J, Kraemer M, Schormann T, Dabringhaus A, Hirsch JG, Eisele P, Szabo K, Weiss C, Amann M, Weier K, Naegelin Y, Kappos L, Gass A (2016) Individual Assessment of Brain Tissue Changes in MS and the Effect of Focal Lesions on Short-Term Focal Atrophy Development in MS: A Voxel-Guided Morphometry Study. Int J Mol Sci 17(4):489
Hirsch JG, Köhn A, Hoinkiss DC, Peter J, Thomsen A, Günther M, the German National Cohort MRI Study Investigators (2016) Fully Automated Data Management and Quality Assurance in Very Large Prospective Cohort MR Imaging Studies – the MR Imaging Study within the German National Cohort. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 0247
Hirsch JG, Köhn A, Hoinkiss DC, Singe J, Albers M, Aumann N, Guenther M, the NAKO MRI Study Investigators (2016) Quality Assessment in Very Large Prospective Multicenter Cohort MR Imaging Studies – the MR Imaging Study within the German National Cohort (NAKO). Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. 186
Schlett CL, Hendel T, Hirsch JG, Weckbach S, Caspers S, Schulz-Menger J, Ittermann T, von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff F, Ladd SC, Moebus S, Stroszczynski C, Fischer B, Leitzmann M, Kuhl C, Pessler F, Hartung D, Kemmling Y, Hetterich H, Amunts K, Gunther M, Wacker F, Rummeny E, Kauczor H-U, Forsting M, Voelzke H, Hosten N, Reiser MF, Bamberg F (2016) Quantitative, Organ-Specific Interscanner and Intrascanner Variability for 3 T Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Multicenter, Multivendor Study. Invest Radiol 51(4):255–265
Stuke H, Hanken K, Hirsch J, Klein J, Wittig F, Kastrup A, Hildebrandt H (2016) Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Relationships between Depressive Symptoms and Brain Atrophy in MS Patients. Front Hum Neurosci 10:8


Amann M, Sprenger T, Naegelin Y, Reinhardt J, Kuster P, Hirsch JG, Kappos L, Radue E-W, Stippich C, Bieri O (2015) Comparison between balanced steady-state free precession and standard spoiled gradient echo magnetization transfer ratio imaging in multiple sclerosis: methodical and clinical considerations. Neuroimage 108:87–94
Bamberg F, Kauczor HU, Weckbach S, Schlett CL, Forsting M, Ladd SC, Greiser KH, Weber MA, Schulz-Menger J, Niendorf T, Pischon T, Caspers S, Amunts K, Berger K, Bulow R, Hosten N, Hegenscheid K, Kroncke T, Linseisen J, Guenther M, Hirsch JG, Koehn A, Hendel T, Wichmann HE, Schmidt BJ KH, Hoffmann W, Kaaks R, Reiser MF, Volzke H (2015) Whole-Body MR Imaging in the German National Cohort: Rationale, Design, and Technical Background. Radiology 277(1):206–220


Griebe M, Amann M, Hirsch JG, Achtnichts L, Hennerici MG, Gass A, Szabo K (2014) Reduced functional reserve in patients with age-related white matter changes: a preliminary FMRI study of working memory. PLoS ONE 9(8):e103359
Papadopoulou A, Naegelin Y, Weier K, Amann M, Hirsch JG, von Felten S, Yaldizli O, Sprenger T, Radue EW, Kappos L, Gass A (2014) MRI characteristics of periaqueductal lesions in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 3(4):542–551


Achtnichts L, Gonen O, Rigotti DJ, Babb JS, Naegelin Y, Penner IK, Bendfeldt K, Hirsch JG, Amann M, Kappos L, Gass A (2013) Global N-acetylaspartate concentration in benign and non-benign multiple sclerosis patients of long disease duration. Eur J Radiol 82(12):e848–52


Amann M, Achtnichts L, Hirsch JG, Naegelin Y, Gregori J, Weier K, Thöni A, Mueller-Lenke N, Radue EW, Günther M, Kappos L, Gass A (2012) 3D GRASE arterial spin labelling reveals an inverse correlation of cortical perfusion with the white matter lesion volume in MS. Mult Scler 18(11):1570
Grozea C, Lübke D, Dingeldey F, Schiewe M, Gerhardt J, Schumann C, Hirsch J (2012) ESWT – tracking organs during focused ultrasound surgery. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP 2012. pp 60–65
Klein J, Weiler F, Barbieri S, Hirsch JG, Geisler G, Hahn HK (2012) Quantitative neuroimaging advances. ECR Today 2012, Saturday 3 March 23
Rigotti DJ, Gass A, Achtnichts L, Inglese M, Babb JS, Naegelin Y, Hirsch J, Amann M, Kappos L, Gonen O (2012) Multiple Sclerosis Severity Scale and whole-brain N-acetylaspartate concentration for patients' assessment. Mult Scler 18(1):98–107
Weier K, Mazraeh J, Naegelin Y, Thoeni A, Hirsch JG, Fabbro T, Bruni N, Duyar H, Bendfeldt K, Radue E-W, Kappos L, Gass A (2012) Biplanar MRI for the assessment of the spinal cord in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler 18(11):1560–1569
Wu WE, Gass A, Glodzik L, Babb JS, Hirsch J, Sollberger M, Achtnichts L, Amann M, Monsch AU, Gonen O (2012) Whole brain N-acetylaspartate concentration is conserved throughout normal aging. Neurobiol Aging 33(10):2440–2447


Klein J, Weiler F, Barbieri S, Hirsch JG, Geisler B, Hahn HK (2011) NeuroQLab – An Extendible Software Assistant for Efficient and Reproducible Evaluation of Neuroimaging Data. Proceedings of European Congress on Radiology (ECR 2011)


Amann M, Dossegger LS, Penner IK, Hirsch JG, Raselli C, Calabrese P, Weier K, Radu EW, Kappos L, Gass A (2010) Altered functional adaptation to attention and working memory tasks with increasing complexity in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. Hum Brain Mapp 32(10):1704–1719
Bendfeldt K, Blumhagen JO, Egger H, Loetscher P, Denier N, Kuster P, Traud S, Mueller-Lenke N, Naegelin Y, Gass A, Hirsch J, Kappos L, Nichols TE, Radue EW, Borgwardt SJ (2010) Spatiotemporal distribution pattern of white matter lesion volumes and their association with regional grey matter volume reductions in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Hum Brain Mapp 31(10):1542–1555
Pagani E, Hirsch JG, Pouwels PJW, Horsfield MA, Perego E, Gass A, Roosendaal SD, Barkhof F, Agosta F, Rovaris M, Caputo D, Giorgio A, Palace J, Marino S, De Stefano N, Ropele S, Fazekas F, Filippi M (2010) Intercenter differences in diffusion tensor MRI acquisition. J Magn Reson Imaging 31(6):1458–1468


Amann M, Hirsch JG, Gass A (2009) A serial functional connectivity MRI study in healthy individuals assessing the variability of connectivity measures: reduced interhemispheric connectivity in the motor network during continuous performance. Magn Reson Imaging 27(10):1347–1359
Mancini L, Ciccarelli O, Manfredonia F, Thornton JS, Agosta F, Barkhof F, Beckmann C, De Stefano N, Enzinger C, Fazekas F, Filippi M, Gass A, Hirsch JG, Johansen-Berg H, Kappos L, Korteweg T, Manson SC, Marino S, Matthews PM, Montalban X, Palace J, Polman C, Rocca M, Ropele S, Rovira A, Wegner C, Friston K, Thompson A, Yousry T (2009) Short-term adaptation to a simple motor task: a physiological process preserved in multiple sclerosis. Neuroimage 45(2):500–511
Rocca MA, Absinta M, Valsasina P, Ciccarelli O, Marino S, Rovira A, Gass A, Wegner C, Enzinger C, Korteweg T, Sormani MP, Mancini L, Thompson AJ, De Stefano N, Montalban X, Hirsch J, Kappos L, Ropele S, Palace J, Barkhof F, Matthews PM, Filippi M (2009) Abnormal connectivity of the sensorimotor network in patients with MS: a multicenter fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp 30(8):2412–2425


Bosnell R, Wegner C, Kincses ZT, Korteweg T, Agosta F, Ciccarelli O, De Stefano N, Gass A, Hirsch J, Johansen-Berg H, Kappos L, Barkhof F, Mancini L, Manfredonia F, Marino S, Miller DH, Montalban X, Palace J, Rocca M, Enzinger C, Ropele S, Rovira A, Smith S, Thompson A, Thornton J, Yousry T, Whitcher B, Filippi M, Matthews PM (2008) Reproducibility of fMRI in the clinical setting: implications for trial designs. Neuroimage 42(2):603–610
Manson SC, Wegner C, Filippi M, Barkhof F, Beckmann C, Ciccarelli O, De Stefano N, Enzinger C, Fazekas F, Agosta F, Gass A, Hirsch J, Johansen-Berg H, Kappos L, Korteweg T, Polman C, Mancini L, Manfredonia F, Marino S, Miller DH, Montalban X, Palace J, Rocca M, Ropele S, Rovira A, Smith S, Thompson A, Thornton J, Yousry T, Frank JA, Matthews PM (2008) Impairment of movement-associated brain deactivation in multiple sclerosis: further evidence for a functional pathology of interhemispheric neuronal inhibition. Exp Brain Res 187(1):25–31
Wegner C, Filippi M, Korteweg T, Beckmann C, Ciccarelli O, De Stefano N, Enzinger C, Fazekas F, Agosta F, Gass A, Hirsch J, Johansen-Berg H, Kappos L, Barkhof F, Polman C, Mancini L, Manfredonia F, Marino S, Miller DH, Montalban X, Palace J, Rocca M, Ropele S, Rovira A, Smith S, Thompson A, Thornton J, Yousry T, Matthews PM (2008) Relating functional changes during hand movement to clinical parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis in a multi-centre fMRI study. Eur J Neurol 15(2):113–122
Weier K, Naegelin Y, Thoeni A, Hirsch JG, Kappos L, Steinbrich W, Radue E-W, Gass A (2008) Non-communicating syringomyelia: a feature of spinal cord involvement in multiple sclerosis. Brain 131(Pt 7):1776–1782


Szabo K, Hirsch JG, Krause M, Ende G, Henn FA, Sartorius A, Gass A (2007) Diffusion weighted MRI in the early phase after electroconvulsive therapy. Neurol Res 29(3):256–259


Lowe MJ, Horenstein C, Hirsch JG, Marrie RA, Stone L, Bhattacharyya PK, Gass A, Phillips MD (2006) Functional pathway-defined MRI diffusion measures reveal increased transverse diffusivity of water in multiple sclerosis. Neuroimage 32(3):1127–1133
Plessen KJ, Gruner R, Lundervold A, Hirsch JG, Xu D, Bansal R, Hammar A, Lundervold AJ, Wentzel-Larsen T, Lie SA, Gass A, Peterson BS, Hugdahl K (2006) Reduced white matter connectivity in the corpus callosum of children with Tourette syndrome. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 47(10):1013–1022


Büsing KA, Schulte-Sasse C, Flüchter S, Süselbeck T, Haase KK, Neff W, Hirsch JG, Borggrefe M, Düber C (2005) Cerebral infarction: incidence and risk factors after diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterization--prospective evaluation at diffusion-weighted MR imaging. Radiology 235(1):177–183
Szabo K, Poepel A, Pohlmann-Eden B, Hirsch JG, Back T, Sedlaczek O, Hennerici MG, Gass A (2005) Diffusion-weighted and perfusion MRI demonstrates parenchymal changes in complex partial status epilepticus. Brain 128(Pt 6):1369–1376


Fiebach JB, Schellinger PD, Gass A, Kucinski T, Siebler M, Villringer A, Olkers P, Hirsch JG, Heiland S, Wilde P, Jansen O, Rother J, Hacke W, Sartor K (2004) Stroke magnetic resonance imaging is accurate in hyperacute intracerebral hemorrhage: a multicenter study on the validity of stroke imaging. Stroke 35(2):502–506
Lie C, Hirsch JG, Rossmanith C, Hennerici MG, Gass A (2004) Clinicotopographical correlation of corticospinal tract stroke: a color-coded diffusion tensor imaging study. Stroke 35(1):86–92
Sedlaczek O, Hirsch JG, Grips E, Peters CNA, Gass A, Wohrle J, Hennerici M (2004) Detection of delayed focal MR changes in the lateral hippocampus in transient global amnesia. Neurology 62(12):2165–2170


Back T, Mockel R, Hirsch JG, Gaa J, Oertel WH, Hennerici MG, Gass A (2003) Combined MR measurements of magnetization transfer, tissue diffusion and proton spectroscopy. A feasibility study with neurological cases. Neurol Res 25(3):292–300
Hirsch JG, Schwenk SM, Rossmanith C, Hennerici MG, Gass A (2003) Deviations from the diffusion tensor model as revealed by contour plot visualization using high angular resolution diffusion-weighted imaging (HARDI). Magma 16(2):93–102


Szabo K, Gass A, Rossmanith C, Hirsch JG, Hennerici MG (2002) Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted MRI demonstrates synergistic lesions in acute ischemic Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome. J Neurol 249(12):1735–1737


Braus DF, Tost H, Hirsch JG, Gass A (2001) [Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and functional magnetic resonance tomography (fMRI) expand methodological spectrum in psychiatric research]. Nervenarzt 72(5):384–390
Gass A, Niendorf T, Hirsch JG (2001) Acute and chronic changes of the apparent diffusion coefficient in neurological disorders--biophysical mechanisms and possible underlying histopathology. J Neurol Sci 186 Suppl 1:S15–23
Szabo K, Kern R, Gass A, Hirsch JG, Hennerici M (2001) Acute stroke patterns in patients with internal carotid artery disease: a diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging study. Stroke 32(6):1323–1329


Back T, Hirsch JG, Szabo K, Gass A (2000) Failure to demonstrate peri-infarct depolarizations by repetitive MR diffusion imaging in acute human stroke. Stroke 31(12):2901–2906


Gass A, Gaa J, Hirsch JG, Schwartz A, Hennerici MG (1999) Lack of evidence of acute ischemic tissue change in transient global amnesia on single-shot echo-planar diffusion-weighted MRI. Stroke 30(10):2070–2072
Gass A, Gaa J, Sommer A, Hirsch JG, Georgi M, Hennerici MG, Schwartz A (1999) [Echo-planar diffusion-weighted MRI in the diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke: characterisation of tissue abnormalities and limitations in the interpretation of imaging findings]. Radiologe 39(8):695–702
Hirsch JG, Bock M, Essig M, Schad LR (1999) Comparison of diffusion anisotropy measurements in combination with the flair-technique. Magn Reson Imaging 17(5):705–716