Dr. Jürgen Walter Jenne



Stader JM, Recker F, Tonguc T, Ramig O, Thudium M, Matlac D, Mutschler N, Egger EK, Mustea A, Küppers J, Essler M, Jenne J, Strunk HM, Conrad R, Marinova M (2024) Clinical experience with shear wave elastography (SWE) for assessing healthy uterus in a transabdominal approach. Sci Rep 14:14473
Strohm H, Rothluebbers S, Perotti L, Stamm O, Fournelle M, Jenne J, Guenther M (2024) Contraction assessment of abdominal muscles using automated segmentation designed for wearable ultrasound applications. IJCARS 19:1607–1614


Guillemin PC, Sinden D, M’Rad Y, Schwenke M, Le Guevelou J, Uiterwijk JWE, Lorton O, Scheffler M, Poletti P-A, Jenne J, Zilli T, Salomir R (2023) A Novel Concept of Transperineal Focused Ultrasound Transducer for Prostate Cancer Local Deep Hyperthermia Treatments. Cancers 15(1):163
Klein J, Gerken A, Agethen N, Rothlübbers S, Upadhyay N, Purrer V, Schmeel C, Borger V, Kovalevsky M, Rachmilevitch I, Shapira Y, Wüllner U, Jenne J (2023) Automatic planning of MR-guided transcranial focused ultrasound treatment for essential tremor. Front. Neuroimaging, Sec. Brain Imaging Methods 2


Hänsch A, Jenne JW, Upadhyay N, Schmeel C, Purrer V, Wüllner U, Klein J (2022) Deep learning-assisted fully automatic fiber tracking for tremor treatment. Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging, Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. 120342A
Lippke M: S E, Philipp D, Konstandin S, Jenne J, Bertuch T, Günther M (2022) Investigation of a Digitally-Reconfigurable Metasurface for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Proceedings of the 52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC). IEEE, pp 668–671
Mensing D, Gregori J, Jenne J, Stritt M, Gerold B, Günther M (2022) LSTM-U-net for the robust segmentation of veins in ultrasound sequences. Proceedings SPIE Medical Imaging 2022: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling. 120341R
Strohm H, Kuhlen V, Jenne J, Günther M, Rothlübbers S (2022) Effect of Geometric and Transmit Corrections on Global Speed of Sound Estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). pp 1–4


Philipp D, Stoja E, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Jenne J, Umathum R, Guenther M (2021) Smart metamaterials for 3 T MRI. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 1403
Stoja E, Konstandin S, Philipp D, Wilke RN, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Jenne J, Umathum R, Guenther M (2021) Improving magnetic resonance imaging with smart and thin metasurfaces. Scientific Reports 11(1):16179
Tonguc T, Strunk H, Gonzalez-Carmona MA, Recker F, Lütjohann D, Thudium M, Conrad R, Becher MU, Savchenko O, Davidova D, Luechters G, Mustea A, Strassburg CP, Attenberger U, Pieper CC, Jenne J, Marinova M (2021) US-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) of abdominal tumors: outcome, early ablation-related laboratory changes and inflammatory reaction. A single-center experience from Germany. Int J Hyperthermia 38(2):65–74


Betancourt D, Stoja E, Wilke RN, Philipp D, Jenne J, Umathum R, Konstandin S, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) A metamaterial-based cable mantle for shield current suppression in MRI systems. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC). pp 1–4
Rothluebbers S, Strohm H, Eickel K, Jenne J, Kuhlen V, Sinden D, Günther M (2020) Improving Image Quality of Single Plane Wave Ultrasound via Deep Learning Based Channel Compounding. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium
Stoja E, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Philipp D, Umathum R, Jenne J, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Design and characterization of a metasurface enhancement plate for 3T MRI. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC). pp 1–4
Stoja E, Philipp D, Betancourt D, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Umathum R, Jenne J, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Numerical investigation of a self-detuning signal enhancement metasurface for 3T MRI. XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (GASS, URSI). pp K12–01
Wilke RN, Stoja E, Bekaan K, Philip D, Jenne J, Betancourt D, Konstandin S, Umathum R, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Efficient 3D-characterization of metamaterial devices for enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 4079


Schwenke M, Strehlow J, Demedts D, Haase S, Barrios Romero D, Rothlübbers S, von Dresky C, Zidowitz S, Georgii J, Mihcin S, Bezzi M, Tanner C, Sat G, Levy Y, Jenne J, Günther M, Melzer A, Preusser T (2017) A focused ultrasound treatment system for moving targets (part I): generic system design and in-silico first-stage evaluation. J Ther Ultrasound 5(1)


Lübke D, Georgii J, Schwenke M, v. Dresky C, Haller J, Günther M, Preusser T, Jenne JW (2016) Comparison of MR thermometry and HIFU simulations in a calibrated setup. Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound


De Luca V, Benz T, Kondo S, König L, Lübke D, Rothlübbers S, Somphone O, Allaire S, Bell MAL, Chung DYF, Cifor A, Grozea C, Günther M, Jenne J, Kipshagen T, Kowarschik M, Navab N, Rühaak J, Schwaab J, Tanner C (2015) The 2014 liver ultrasound tracking benchmark. Phys Med Biol 60(14):5571–5599
Jenne JW (2015) Non-invasive transcranial brain ablation with high-intensity focused ultrasound. In: Alonso A, Hennerici MG, Meairs S (eds) Translational Neurosonology. Front Neurol Neurosci, pp 94–105
Rothlübbers S, Tanner C, Zur Y, French K, Strehlow J, Sat G, Jenne J, Günther M (2015) Particle filter based liver motion tracking for MRgFUS. Proc. EUFUS Symposium
Schwaab J, Kurz C, Sarti C, Bongers A, Schoenahl F, Bert C, Debus J, Parodi K, Jenne JW (2015) First Steps Toward Ultrasound-Based Motion Compensation for Imaging and Therapy: Calibration with an Optical System and 4D PET Imaging. Front Oncol 5:258
Schwenke M, Strehlow J, Haase S, Jenne J, Tanner C, Langø T, Loeve AJ, Karakitsios I, Xiao X, Levy Y, Sat G, Bezzi M, Braunewell S, Guenther M, Melzer A, Preusser T (2015) An integrated model-based software for FUS in moving abdominal organs. Int J Hyperthermia 31(3):240–250
Speicher D, Bartscherer T, Becker FJ, Jenne JW, Mrosk K, Degel C, Günther M, Tretbar S (2015) MRI Compatible Ultrasound Transducers for Simultaneous Acquisition of Coregistered Ultrasound to MRI Data. Physics Procedia. pp 1002–1006


Corr D, Weiler F, Hoogenboom M, van Amerongen M, Fütterer JJ, Dadakova T, Bock M, Günther M, Jenne JW (2014) Software-supported Analysis of MRgFUS Therapy Outcome. FUS Foundation Symposium, Bethesda. 212
Prall M, Kaderka R, Saito N, Graeff C, Bert C, Durante M, Parodi K, Schwaab J, Sarti C, Jenne J (2014) Ion beam tracking using ultrasound motion detection. Med Phys 41(4)
Rothlübbers S, Schwaab J, Jenne J, Günther M (2014) MICCAI CLUST 2014 – Bayesian Real-Time Liver Feature Ultrasound Tracking. Proc. MICCAI Challenge on Liver Ultrasound Tracking (CLUST 2014). Boston, USA, pp 45–52
Schwaab J, Prall M, Sarti C, Kaderka R, Bert C, Kurz C, Parodi K, Günther M, Jenne J (2014) Ultrasound tracking for intra-fractional motion compensation in radiation therapy. Phys Med 30(5):578–582
van Straaten D, Hoogenboom M, van Amerongen M, Weiler F, Al Issawi J, Günther M, Fütterer J, Jenne JW (2014) A Software Tool for advanced MRgFUS Prostate Therapy Planning and Follow-Up. 14th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound


Jenne JW, Tretbar SH, Hewener HJ, Speicher D, Barthscherer T, Sarti C, Bongers A, Schwaab J, Günther M (2013) Ultrasonography based Motion Tracking for MRgFUS. 13th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound. 115
Kramme J, Haller J, Günther M, Jenne J (2013) Magnetic Resonance is Promising in Contributing to find an Ultrasound Dose Definition. Proceedings of the ISTU Annual Meeting 2013, Shanghai, China


Jenne JW, Preusser T, Günther M (2012) High-intensity focused ultrasound: Principles, therapy guidance, simulations and applications. Z Med Phys 22(4):311–322