Dr. Simon Konstandin

  • Physicist
  • Research Scientist
  • MR Physics



Mahroo A, Buck MA, Konstandin S, Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Hirsch J, Günther M (2025) New physiological insights using multi-TE ASL MRI measuring blood-brain barrier water exchange after caffeine intake. MAGMA online first
Padrela BE, Slivka M, Sneve MH, Garrido PF, Dijsselhof MBJ, Hageman T, Geier O, Grydeland H, Mahroo A, Kuijer JPA, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Barkhof F, Günther M, Walhovd KB, Fjell AM, Mutsaerts HJMM, Petr J (2025) Blood-brain barrier water permeability across the adult lifespan: a multi-echo ASL study. Neurobiology of Aging 147:176–186
Tee M, Padrela BE, Dupeyron M, Huang J, Low M, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Günther M, Minta K, Schinazi VR, Colombo G, Petr J, Mutsaerts HJMM, Hilal S (2025) Associations between potential risk factors and blood-brain barrier water permeability in middle-aged and older adults. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease


Cetin A, Turhan G, Padrela B, Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Breutigam NJ, Keil V, Ayca ED, Özduman K, Eickel K, Mutsaerts H, Petr J, Günther M, Dincer A, Ozturk-Isik E (2024) Quantification of BBB Permeability in glioma using ASL with tissue specific T2 values. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 3862
Cetin AI, Turhan G, Padrela BE, Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Honkiss DC, Breutigam N-J, Keil V, Barkhof F, Danyeli AE, Özduman K, Necmettin Pamir MN, Eickel K, Mutsaerts H-J, Petr J, Günther M, Dincer A, Ozturk-Isik E (2024) Tissue-specific T2 BBB-ASL in Meningiomas. Magn Reson Mater Phy 37(S1):1–781(P416)
Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Günther M (2024) Blood–Brain Barrier Permeability to Water Measured Using Multiple Echo Time Arterial Spin Labeling<scp>MRI</scp>in the Aging Human Brain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 59(4):1269–1282
Nagtegaal M, Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, Smink J, Oeltzschner G, Günther M, van Osch M (2024) Advanced vendor-neutral MR sequences on Philips via gammaSTAR: pCASL and MRS-STEAM. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Barcelona, Spain, 116
Padrela B, Mahroo A, Tee M, Sneve MH, Moyaert P, Geier O, Kuijer JPA, Beun S, Nordhøy W, Zhu YD, Buck MA, Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, Huber J, Wiersinga J, Rikken R, de Leeuw D, Grydeland H, Tippett L, Cawston EE, Ozturk-Isik E, Linn J, Brandt M, Tijms BM, van de Giessen EM, Muller M, Fjell A, Walhovd K, Bjørnerud A, Pålhaugen L, Selnes P, Clement P, Achten E, Anazodo U, Barkhof F, Hilal S, Fladby T, Eickel K, Morgan C, Thomas DL, Petr J, Günther M, Mutsaerts HJMM (2024) Developing blood-brain barrier arterial spin labelling as a non-invasive early biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease (DEBBIE-AD): a prospective observational multicohort study protocol. BMJ Open 14(3):e081635
Turhan G, Cetin AI, Padrela BE, Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Breutigam N-J, Keil V, Danyeli AE, Ozduman K, Eickel K, Mutsaerts HJ, Petr J, Günther M, Dincer A, Ozturk-Isik E (2024) The effect of BBB-ASL intravoxel transit time on perfusion and water exchange time modeling in gliomas. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Barcelona, Spain, 53


Breutigam N-J, Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, Buck MA, Mahroo A, Eickel K, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Günther M (2023) Subject-specific timing adaption in time-encoded arterial spin labeling imaging. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine
Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Hirsch J, Günther M (2023) Increased Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Response to Caffeine Challenge. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2582
Nagtegaal M, Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, de Bresser J, Günther M, van Osch MJP (2023) Vendor-agnostic pulse programming on gammaSTAR: A traveling head experiment to test the Philips driver. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. LT54
Nagtegaal M, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Gross-Weege N, Schulz V, Günther M, van Osch T (2023) Vendor neutral pulse programming: Running gammaSTAR sequences on Philips Hardware. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2217
Padrela B, Sneve M, Zelhorst S, Tee M, Grydeland H, Mahroo A, Kuijer J, Walhovd K, Fjell A, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Barkhof F, Hilal S, Günther M, Mutsaerts H, Petr J (2023) Blood-brain barrier permeability changes over the lifespan. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 1919
Padrela B, Tee M, Sneve M, Mahroo A, Geier O, Thomas D, Morgan C, Moyaert P, Ozturk E, Nordhøy W, Pålhaugen L, Linn J, Selnes P, Eickel K, Konstandin S, Kuijer J, Hoinkiss DC, Breutigam NJ, Buck MA, Achten R, Barkhof F, Hilal S, Fladby T, Anazodo U, Petr J, Mutsaerts H, Günther M (2023) DEveloping Blood-Brain barrier arterial spin labeling as a non-Invasive Early biomarker (DEBBIE). Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 367
Sommer L, Hoinkiss DC, Huber J, Konstandin S, Günther M (2023) Feasibility Study to Spatially Map the Filtration Function of the Kidneys with Multi-TE Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2760
Turhan G, Cetin A, Mahroo A, Padrela B, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Breutigam NJ, Eickel K, Petr J, Mutsaerts H, Danyeli A, Ozduman K, Günther M, Dincer A, Ozturk-Isik E (2023) Perfusion and Time of Exchange Measurements Using BBB-ASL in Gliomas: The Initial Experience. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 1757


Buck MA, Konstandin S, Breutigam N-J, Günther M (2022) Exploration of Velocity-Selective Inversion Arterial Spin Labeling for Breast Imaging. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 1304
Buck MA, Konstandin S, Breutigam N-J, Günther M (2022) Towards vendor-independent Velocity-Selective Inversion Arterial Spin Labeling for Breast Imaging. Proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Perfusion MRI ‘From Head to Toe’
Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, Günther M (2022) Constraint-Based MRI Sequence Optimization in a Scanner-Independent MRI Framework. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 2770
Lippke M: S E, Philipp D, Konstandin S, Jenne J, Bertuch T, Günther M (2022) Investigation of a Digitally-Reconfigurable Metasurface for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Proceedings of the 52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC). IEEE, pp 668–671
Ssali T, Narciso L, Hicks J, Liu L, Jesso S, Richardson L, Günther M, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Prato F, Anazodo UC, Finger E, St Lawrence K (2022) Concordance of regional hypoperfusion by pCASL MRI and 15O-water PET in frontotemporal dementia: Is pCASL an efficacious alternative? NeuroImage: Clinical 33:102950
Ssali T, Anazodo UC, Narciso L, Liu L, Jesso S, Richardson L, Günther M, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Prato F, Finger E, St. Lawrence K (2022) Sensitivity of Arterial Spin Labeling for Characterization of Longitudinal Perfusion Changes in Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders. NeuroImage: Clinical 35:102853


Philipp D, Stoja E, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Jenne J, Umathum R, Guenther M (2021) Smart metamaterials for 3 T MRI. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 1403
Stoja E, Konstandin S, Philipp D, Wilke RN, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Jenne J, Umathum R, Guenther M (2021) Improving magnetic resonance imaging with smart and thin metasurfaces. Scientific Reports 11(1):16179
Wilke RN, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Uecker M, Guenther M (2021) Visual Remote Control of MRI Reconstruction Toolboxes. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 3770


Betancourt D, Stoja E, Wilke RN, Philipp D, Jenne J, Umathum R, Konstandin S, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) A metamaterial-based cable mantle for shield current suppression in MRI systems. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC). pp 1–4
Cordes C, Konstandin S, Porter D, Günther M (2020) Portable and platform‐independent MR pulse sequence programs. Magn Reson Med 83(4):1277–1290
Hoinkiss DC, Cordes C, Konstandin S, Guenther M (2020) Event-Based Traversing of Hierarchical Sequences Allows Real-Time Execution and Arbitrary Looping in a Scanner-Independent MRI Framework. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 1043
Konstandin S, Cordes C, Guenther M (2020) Graphical sequence visualization and development in the dynamic platform-independent framework gammaSTAR: A first prototype. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 3644
Stoja E, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Philipp D, Umathum R, Jenne J, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Design and characterization of a metasurface enhancement plate for 3T MRI. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC). pp 1–4
Stoja E, Philipp D, Betancourt D, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Umathum R, Jenne J, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Numerical investigation of a self-detuning signal enhancement metasurface for 3T MRI. XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (GASS, URSI). pp K12–01
Wilke RN, Stoja E, Bekaan K, Philip D, Jenne J, Betancourt D, Konstandin S, Umathum R, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Efficient 3D-characterization of metamaterial devices for enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 4079


Archipovas S, Wilke RN, Konstandin S, Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Cordes C, Breutigam NJ, Guenther M (2019) A prototype of a fully integrated environment for a collaborative work in MR sequence development for a reproducible research. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 0945
Cordes C, Konstandin S, Mensing D, Archipovas S, Wilke RW, Guenther M (2019) Configuring, viewing, exploring and exporting reproducible, vendor-independent MRI pulse sequences. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 4826
Eisele P, Konstandin S, Szabo K, Ebert A, Roßmanith C, Paschke N, Kerschensteiner M, Platten M, Schoenberg SO, Schad LR, Gass A (2019) Temporal evolution of acute multiple sclerosis lesions on serial sodium (23Na) MRI. Mult Scler Relat Disord 29:48–54
Hoinkiss DC, Cordes C, Konstandin S, Huber J, Wilke R, Günther M (2019) Real-Time Sequence Control for Prospective Motion Correction in a Dynamic, Platform-Independent MRI Framework. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. S14.02
Konstandin S, Cordes C, Guenther M (2019) Dynamic platform-independent MRI vs. manufacturer’s implementations. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 4841
Meyer MM, Haneder S, Konstandin S, Budjan J, Morelli JN, Schad LR, Kerl HU, Schoenberg SO, Kabbasch C (2019) Repeatability and reproducibility of cerebral 23Na imaging in healthy subjects. BMC Med Imaging 19(1):26
Meyer MM, Schmidt A, Benrath J, Konstandin S, Pilz LR, Harrington MG, Budjan J, Meyer M, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Haneder S (2019) Cerebral sodium (23Na) magnetic resonance imaging in patients with migraine – A case-control study. Eur Radiol 29(12):7055–7062


Eisele P, Konstandin S, Szabo K, Ong M, Zoellner F Schad L R, Schoenberg SO, Gass A (2017) Sodium MRI of T1 high signal intensity in the dentate nucleus due to gadolinium deposition in multiple sclerosis. J Neuroimaging 27(4):372–375
Hu R, Malzacher M, Davids M, Neubauer A, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2017) Spatial resolution analysis comparing density-adapted and conventional projection reconstruction in chlorine-35 MRI at 9.4 T. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 5219
Hu R, Neubauer A, Malzacher M, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2017) Density-adapted k-space sampling technique for fast relaxing chlorine-35 nuclei at 9.4 T. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2949
Konstandin S, Guenther M (2017) Implementation and optimization of an automatic k-space trajectory correction for ultrashort echo time imaging. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 4008
Ong M, Schmidt A, Benrath J, Konstandin S, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Haneder S (2017) Cerebral sodium (23Na) magnetic resonance imaging in patients with migraine vs healthy controls. Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. pp SSG11–03
Ong M, Schmidt A, Konstandin S, Benrath J, Meyer M, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Haneder S (2017) Cerebral sodium (23Na) magnetic resonance imaging in patients with migraine. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1106


Budjan J, Benck U, Lammert A, Ong MM, Mircheva M, Diehl S, Konstandin S, Schad LR, Kraemer BK, Schoenberg SO, Haneder S (2016) Renal denervation in patients with resistant hypertension-assessment by 3T renal 23Na-MRI: Preliminary results. In Vivo 30(5):657–662
Budjan J, Konstandin S, Haneder S, Schad L, Jahnke A, Jahnke L, Schoenberg SO, Wenz F, Lohr F, Boda-Heggemann J (2016) A prospective assessment of radiotherapy (RT)-induced early functional renal changes by means of 23Na-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie. pp Po7–8
Eisele P, Konstandin S, Griebe M, Szabo K, Wolf ME, Alonso A, Ebert A, Serwane J, Rossmanith C, Hennerici MG, Schad LR, Gass A (2016) Heterogeneity of acute multiple sclerosis lesions on sodium (23Na) MRI. Mult Scler 22(8):1040–1047
Eisele P, Konstandin S, Griebe M, Szabo K, Wolf ME, Alonso A, Schwarzbach CJ, Ebert A, Roßmanith C, Weiß C, Ong M, Schoenberg S, Schad LR, Gass A (2016) Investigation of the value of sodium (23Na) MRI in multiple sclerosis: focus on microscopic tissue changes. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie. 125
Haneder S, Konstandin S (2016) [Functional MRI 2.0: 23Na and CEST imaging] (Review). Radiologe 56(2):159–169
Konstandin S, Guenther M (2016) A beating heart simulation for sequence optimization of sodium MRI. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 3943
Lommen J, Konstandin S, Kraemer P, Schad LR (2016) Enhancing the quantification of tissue sodium content by MRI – time-efficient sodium B1 mapping at clinical field strengths. NMR Biomed 29(2):129–136
Malzacher M, Kalayciyan R, Konstandin S, Haneder S, Schad LR (2016) Sodium-23 MRI of whole spine at 3 Tesla using a 5-channel receive-only phased-array and a whole-body transmit resonator. Z Med Phys 26(1):95–100
Ong M, Schmidt A, Konstandin S, Benrath J, Eisele P, Hausmann D, Schad LR S SO, Haneder S (2016) Cerebral sodium (23Na) imaging in patients with migraine. Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. pp SSC11–07
Zoellner FG, Konstandin S, Lommen J, Budjan J, Schoenberg SO, Schad LR, Haneder S (2016) Quantitative sodium MRI of kidney (Review). NMR Biomed 29(2):197–205


Haneder S, Budjan JM, Schoenberg SO, Konstandin S, Schad LR, Hofheinz RD, Gramlich V, Wenz F, Lohr F, Boda-Heggemann J (2015) Dose-dependent changes in renal 1H-/23Na MRI after adjuvant radiochemotherapy for gastric cancer. Strahlenther Onkol 191(4):356–364
Haneder S, Giordano FA, Konstandin S, Brehmer S, Buesing KA, Schmiedek P, Schad LR, Wenz F, Schoenberg SO, Ong MM (2015) 23Na-MRI of recurrent glioblastoma multiforme after intraoperative radiotherapy: technical note. Neuroradiology 57(3):321–326
Haneder S, Konstandin S, Budjan J, Schad LR, Ong M, Schoenberg SO, Kerl HU (2015) Reproduzierbarkeit cerebraler 23Na-Bildgebung in gesunden Probanden. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie. 0151
Hu R, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2015) Fast sodium MRI of the human brain using a balanced steady-state free precession sequence. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2372
Konstandin S, Guenther M (2015) SNR-efficient anisotropic 3D ultra-short echo time sequence for sodium MRI with retrospective gating. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2435
Konstandin S, Kraemer P, Guenther M, Schad LR (2015) Sodium magnetic resonance imaging using ultra-short echo time sequences with anisotropic resolution and uniform k-space sampling. Magn Reson Imaging 33(3):319–327
Lommen J, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2015) Simultaneous B1 mapping and tissue sodium content quantification by MRI at 3 Tesla. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 4628
Neumaier-Probst E, Konstandin S, Ssozi J, Groden C, Hennerici M, Schad LR, Fatar M (2015) A double-tuned 1H/23Na resonator allows 1H-guided 23Na-MRI in ischemic stroke patients in one session. Int J Stroke Suppl A 100:56–61


Haneder S, Michaely HJ, Konstandin S, Schad LR, Morelli JN, Kraemer BK, Schoenberg SO, Lammert A (2014) 3T Renal 23Na-MRI: effects of desmopressin in patients with central diabetes insipidus. Magn Reson Mater Phy 27(1):47–52
Haneder S, Ong M, Budjan J, Schmidt R, Konstandin S, Morelli JN, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Kerl HU (2014) 23Na – MR of the human lumbar vertebral discs: in vivo measurements at 3.0T in healthy volunteers and patients with low back pain. Spine J 14(7):1343–1350
Konstandin S, Nagel AM (2014) Measurement techniques for magnetic resonance imaging of fast relaxing nuclei (Review). Magn Reson Mater Phy 27(1):5–19
Konstandin S, Schad LR (2014) 30 years of sodium/X-nuclei magnetic resonance imaging (Editorial). Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. pp 1–4
Konstandin S, Kraemer P, Schad LR (2014) Projection distribution of 3D UTE sequences for sodium MRI with anisotropic resolution and uniform sampling. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2929
Lommen J, Konstandin S, Kraemer P, Schad LR (2014) Evaluation of radio-frequency field mapping methods for quantitative sodium MRI at 3 Tesla. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2928
Maarouf A, Audoin B, Konstandin S, Rico A, Soulier E, Reuter F, LeTroter A, Confort-Gouny S, Cozzone PJ, Guye M, Schad LR, Pelletier J, Ranjeva JP, Zaaraoui W (2014) Topography of brain sodium accumulation in progressive multiple sclerosis. Magn Reson Mater Phy 27(1):53–62
Ong M, Konstandin S, Budjan J, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Haneder S, Kerl HU (2014) Reproduzierbarkeit cerebraler 23Na-Bildgebung an gesunden Probanden – eine Pilotstudie. Fortschr Röntgen. VO304_5
Weingaertner S, Wetterling F, Konstandin S, Fatar M, Neumaier-Probst E, Schad LR (2014) Scan time reduction in 23Na-magnetic resonance imaging using the chemical shift imaging sequence: Evaluation of an iterative reconstruction method. Z Med Phys 25(3):275–286


Haneder S, Kettnaker P, Konstandin S, Morelli JN, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Michaely HJ (2013) Quantitative in vivo 23Na MR imaging of the healthy human kidney: determination of physiological ranges at 3.0T with comparison to DWI and BOLD. Magn Reson Mater Phy 26(6):501–509
Haneder S, Konstandin S, Morelli JN, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Michaely HJ (2013) Assessment of the renal corticomedullary (23)Na gradient using isotropic data sets. Acad Radiol 20(4):407–413
Haneder S, Schoenberg SO, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2013) Sodium (23Na)-imaging as therapy monitoring in oncology – future prospects. MAGNETOM Flash (Siemens) 2:72–77
Konstandin S, Nagel AM (2013) Performance of sampling density-weighted and postfiltered density-adapted projection reconstruction in sodium magnetic resonance imaging. Magn Reson Med 69(2):495–502
Konstandin S, Schad LR (2013) Two-dimensional radial sodium heart MRI using variable-rate selective excitation and retrospective electrocardiogram gating with golden angle increments. Magn Reson Med 70(3):791–799
Malzacher M, Kalayciyan R, Konstandin S, Haneder S, Schad LR (2013) A double resonant (23Na/1H) RF resonator system for human abdominal MRI at 3T. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine German Chapter. pp 89–90
Neumaier-Probst E, Konstandin S, Ssozi J, Groden C, Hennerici M, Schad LR, Fatar M (2013) Quantitative und qualitative 23Na-MR-Bildgebung des Gehirns in Patienten mit Schlaganfall bei 3 T. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie. 0211


Decker CM, Zoellner FG, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2012) Comparing anisotropic diffusion filters for the enhancement of sodium magnetic resonance images. Magn Reson Imaging 30(8):1192–1200
Haneder S, Boda-Heggemann J, Konstandin S, Schad LR, Wenz F, Lohr F, Schoenberg SO, Michaely HJ (2012) Assessment of renal function after conformal radiotherapy and intensity modulated radiotherapy by functional 1H-MR-imaging and 23Na-MR-imaging. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1309
Haneder S, Konstandin S, Kettnaker P, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Michaely HJ (2012) Quantitative 23Na, and DW-imaging of the healthy human kidney for establishing norm values for the 23Na, concentrations at 3.0T. European Congress of Radiology (ECR). B-0663
Haneder S, Konstandin S, Morelli J, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Michaely HJ (2012) Introduction and evaluation of different approaches for the (semi-)quantitative assessment of renal sodium content with 23Na MR imaging. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1303
Haneder S, Michaely HJ, Schoenberg SO, Konstandin S, Schad LR, Siebenlist K, Wertz H, Wenz F, Lohr F, Boda-Heggemann J (2012) Assessment of renal function after conformal radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy by functional 1H-MRI and 23Na-MRI. Strahlenther Onkol 188(12):1146–1154
Hausmann D, Konstandin S, Wetterling F, Haneder S, Nagel AM, Dinter DJ, Schoenberg SO, Zoellner FG, Schad LR (2012) Apparent diffusion coefficient and sodium concentration measurements in human prostate tissue via hydrogen-1 and sodium-23 MRI in a clinical setting at 3T. Invest Radiol 47(12):677–682
Hausmann D, Konstandin S, Zoellner FG, Haneder S, Wetterling F, Nagel AM, Dinter D, Schoenberg SO, Schad LR (2012) Sodium imaging of the prostate at 3T. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 83
Henzler T, Konstandin S, Schmid-Bindert G, Apfaltrer P, Haneder S, Wenz F, Schad L, Manegold C, Schoenberg SO, Fink C (2012) Imaging of tumor viability in lung cancer: initial results using 23Na-MRI. RöFo Fortschr Röntgenstr 184(4):340–344
Konstandin S, Schad L R (2012) 2D radial sodium MRI using VERSE. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 721
Konstandin S, Schad LR (2012) 2D radial sodium heart MRI: Prospective vs. retrospective ECG-gating using Golden angle increments. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1696
Wetterling F, Corteville DM, Kalayciyan R, Rennings A, Konstandin S, Nagel AM, Stark H, Schad LR (2012) Whole body sodium MRI at 3T using an asymmetric birdcage resonator and short echo time sequence: first images of a male volunteer. Phys Med Biol 57(14):4555–4567
Zaaraoui W, Konstandin S, Audoin B, Nagel AM, Rico A, Malikova I, Soulier E, Viout P, Confort-Gouny S, Cozzone PJ, Pelletier J, Schad LR, Ranjeva JP (2012) Distribution of brain sodium accumulation correlates with disability in multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional 23Na MR imaging study. Radiology 264(3):859–867
Zaaraoui W, Konstandin S, Audoin B, Nagel AM, Rico A, Malikova I, Soulier E, Viout P, Confort-Gouny S, Cozzone P, Pelletier J, Schad LR, Ranjeva JP (2012) Brain sodium accumulation and spreading correlate with disability in multiple sclerosis. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 484
Zoellner FG, Decker C, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2012) Comparing anisotropic diffusion filters: Enhancement of 23Na MRI of human kidney. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 143


Boda-Heggemann J, Haneder S, Konstandin S, Schad LR, Wenz F, Michaely HJ, Lohr F (2011) Assessment of 3D-conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) and image-guided intensity modulated radiotherapy (IG-IMRT) induced renal damage by means of functional MR-imaging and 23Na-MR-imaging. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO). 2238
Decker C, Zoellner FG, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2011) Anisotropic diffusion filter for enhancement of 23Na imaging of the kidney at 3T – initial results. International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA). pp 762–766
Haneder S, Konstandin S, Attenberger U, Budjan J, Schoenberg SO, Michaely HJ (2011) Quantitative 23Na-, BOLD- und DWI-Bildgebung der gesunden menschlichen Niere zur Etablierung von Normwerten bei 3,0T. Fortschr Röntgen. VO322_4
Haneder S, Konstandin S, Morelli JN, Nagel AM, Zoellner FG, Schad LR, Schoenberg SO, Michaely HJ (2011) Quantitative and qualitative (23)Na MR imaging of the human kidneys at 3 T: before and after a water load. Radiology 260(3):857–865
Hausmann D, Konstandin S, Haneder S, Zoellner FG, Wetterling F, Schoenberg SO, Dinter D, Schad LR (2011) Quantitative and qualitative sodium imaging of the prostate at 3T. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1050
Heiler PM, Ansar S, Grudzenski S, Wetterling F, Konstandin S, Meairs S, Fatar M, Schad LR (2011) Chemical shift sodium imaging of the rat brain during TmDOTP5- Infusion. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1491
Heiler PM, Langhauser FL, Wetterling F, Ansar S, Grudzenski S, Konstandin S, Fatar M, Meairs S, Schad LR (2011) Chemical shift sodium imaging in a mouse model of thromboembolic stroke at 9.4 T. J Magn Reson Imaging 34(4):935–940
Heiler PM, Rieger B, Kraemer P, Konstandin S, Schad LR (2011) Optimized chemical shift imaging for sodium MRI of the human brain. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2800
Heiler PM, Vollmar F, Wetterling F, Ansar S, Konstandin S, Fatar M, Schad LR (2011) Chemical shift sodium imaging in a mouse model of thromboembolic stroke at 9.4 Tesla. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2143
Kalayciyan R, Wetterling F, Konstandin S, Runge T, Benck U, Haneder S, Michaely HJ, Schad LR (2011) Feasibility of renal sodium MRI in an acute tubular necrosis model at 3 Tesla. Proceedings of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 234
Konstandin S, Heiler PM, Scharf J, Schad LR (2011) Comparison of selective arterial spin labeling using 1D and 2D tagging RF pulses. Z Med Phys 21(1):26–32
Konstandin S, Nagel AM, Heiler PM, Schad LR (2011) Filter implementation into a 2D radial trajectory for sodium MRI. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2814
Konstandin S, Nagel AM, Heiler PM, Schad LR (2011) Two-dimensional radial acquisition technique with density adaption in sodium MRI. Magn Reson Med 65(4):1090–1096
Kraemer P, Konstandin S, Heilmann M, Schad LR (2011) 3D radial twisted projection imaging for DCE-MRI with variable flip angles. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2055
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Zoellner FG, Best H, Konstandin S, Haneder S, Schoenberg SO, Michaely HJ, Schad LR (2011) 23Na MRI of the human kidney at 3T: Improving image quality by different image filters. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 827


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Konstandin S, Heiler PM, Schad LR (2009) 2D RF versus slice selective RF tagging pulses in brain ASL. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 3655


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