Industry Award for Best Immersive Media at Raw Science Film Festival 2017

Fraunhofer MEVIS is honored to receive the “Industry Award for Best Immersive Media” for the movie “The Beauty of Blood Flow Analysis” at the 4th “Raw Science Film Festival: The Bridge between Science and Media” held between January 5–7, 2018 in Santa Barbara, CA.
The awarded short movie submitted by Bianka Hofmann, Alexander Köhn, Mathias Neugebauer, Anja Hennemuth, and David Black shows the dynamic reconstruction of the blood flow of a healthy human heart. It is based exclusively on real medical data gathered by an MRI scanner.
The annual Raw Science Film Festival honors media centered on science and technology from around the world. The mission of the Festival is to ensure fact-based scientific experts stay at the forefront of popular culture. Categories include fiction and non-fiction for both students and professionals.