Dr. Joachim Georgii

Research Interests

  • Orthopedics and Biomotion
  • Modeling & Simulation



Brandenburg LS, Georgii J, Schmelzeisen R, Spies BC, Burkhardt F, Fuessinger MA, Rothweiler RM, Gross C, Schlager S, Metzger MC (2024) Reconstruction of dental roots for implant planning purposes: a retrospective computational and radiographic assessment of single-implant cases. Int J CARS 19(3):591–599
Rörich A, Lange A, Heldmann S, Moltz JH, Walczak L, Yarar-Schlickewei S, Güttler F, Georgii J (2024) Inferring 3D finger bone shapes from 2D images – a detailed analysis of shape accuracy. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization 12(1):2359397
Theilen E, Rörich A, Georgii J, Izadpanah K (2024) Prediction of patient-specific knee joint dynamics in tibial fractures. 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics


Koplin C, Schwarz-Fischer E, Zschippang E, Löw YM, Czekalla M, Seibel A, Rörich A, Georgii J, Güttler F, Yarar-Schlickewei S, Kailer A (2023) Design of Reliable Remobilisation Finger Implants with Geometry Elements of a Triple Periodic Minimal Surface Structure via Additive Manufacturing of Silicon Nitride. J — Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal 6(1):180–197
Meine H, Brandenburg LS, Detering M, Weingart P, Metzger MC, Georgii J (2023) AI-based characterization of partially edentulous jaws in panoramic x-rays. Int J CARS. S76
Rörich A, Izadpanah K, Theilen E, Walczak L, Lange T, Huber C, Georgii J (2023) Comparison of patient-specific knee joint motion modelling using position-based dynamics and finite element methods. International Conference on Computational Bioengineering. 31
Theilen E, Rörich A, Lange T, Bendak S, Huber C, Schmal H, Izadpanah K, Georgii J (2023) Validation of a finite element simulation for predicting individual knee joint kinematics. OJEMB


Brandenburg LS, Schlager S, Harzig LS, Steybe D, Rothweiler RM, Burkhardt F, Spies BC, Georgii J, Metzger MC (2022) A Novel Method for Digital Reconstruction of the Mucogingival Borderline in Optical Scans of Dental Plaster Casts. J Clin Med 11(9):2383
Brandenburg LS, Schwarz SJ, Spies BC, Weingart JV, Georgii J, Jung B, Burkhardt F, Schlager S, Metzger MC (2022) Creating an anatomical wax-up in partially edentulous patients by means of a statistical shape model. Int J Comput Dent (4):349–359
Fuchs A, Georgii J, Taghizadeh E, Heldmann S, Lange T, Bendak SF, Siegel M, Yilmaz T, Schmal H, Izadpanah K (2022) In-vivo assessment of meniscal movement in the knee joint during internal and external rotation under load. J Exp Ortop 9:102
Lange A, Heldmann S, Moltz JH, Walczak L, Engel C, Detering M, Rörich A, Güttler F, Yarar S, Georgii J (2022) A deformable image-based registration approach to obtain shape correspondence for statistical shape modeling of finger bones. Int J CARS. pp S42–S43
Theilen E, Izadpanah K, Lange T, Huber C, Georgii J (2022) Validation of FEM-based patient-specific knee joint motion simulation. Proc. Of WCCM
Thielke F, Kock F, Hänsch A, Georgii J, Abolmaali N, Endo I, Meine H, Schenk A (2022) Improving deep learning based liver vessel segmentation using automated connectivity analysis. Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2022: Image Processing. Proc. SPIE 12032, pp 886–892
Walczak L, Georgii J, Tautz L, Neugebauer M, Wamala I, Sündermann S, Falk V, Hennemuth A (2022) Using Position‐Based Dynamics for Simulating Mitral Valve Closure and Repair Procedures. Comput Graph Forum 41(1):270–287


Theilen E, v. Dresky C, Walczak L, Izadpanah K, Lange T, Bendak S, Gehring D, Ketterer J, Huber C, Georgii J (2021) FEM-based patient-individual modelling and simulation of knee joint motion. Proc. of CARS 2021
Walczak L, Tautz L, Neugebauer M, Georgii J, Wamala I, Sündermann S, Falk V, Hennemuth A (2021) Interactive editing of virtual chordae tendineae for the simulation of the mitral valve in a decision support system. Int J CARS 16(1):125–132


Georgii J, Pätz T, Rieder C, Ballhausen H, Schwenke M, Schwen LO, Haase S, Preusser T (2020) Efficient GPU-Based Numerical Simulation of Cryoablation of the Kidney. In: Miller K, Wittek A, Joldes G, Nash M, Nielsen P (eds) Computational Biomechanics for Medicine. Springer, Cham, pp 171–193
Ludwig I, Taghizadeh E, Izadpanah K, Lange T, Georgii J (2020) Patient-specific Modelling and Simulation of Knee Joint Motion using Position-Based Dynamics. Proc. of CARS 2020
Rieder C, Schwenke M, Pätz T, Georgii J, Ballhausen H, Schwen LO, Haase S, Preusser T (2020) Evaluation of a numerical simulation for cryoablation – comparison with bench data, clinical kidney and lung cases. Int J Hyperthermia 37(1):1268–1278
Tautz L, Walczak L, Georgii J, Jazaerli A, Vellguth K, Wamala I, Sundermann S, Falk V, Hennemuth A (2020) Combining position-based dynamics and gradient vector flow for 4D mitral valve segmentation in TEE sequences. Int J CARS 15(1):119–128
Walczak L, Goubergrits L, Hüllebrand M, Georgii J, Falk V, Hennemuth A (2020) Using position-based dynamics to simulate deformation in aortic valve replacement procedure. Curr Dir Biomed Eng 6(1):20200042


Mayr M, Burkel L, Georgii J, Taghizadeh E, Südkamp N, Izadpanah K (2019) Präoperative Bestimmung des Transplantatdurchmessers vor VKB-Plastik mittels computergestütztemPostprocessing eines 3D Modells der Semitendinosus- und Gracilissehne aus der MRT-Bildgebung. Proc. of AGA. 98
Mayr M, Tayfun Y, Bode G, Meine H, Georgii J, Südkamp N, Izadpanah K (2019) In vivo Kinematik von Knorpel- und Meniskuskontaktflächen des Kniegelenks unter Last. Proc. of GOTS
Walczak L, Georgii J, Tautz L, Neugebauer M, Wamala I, Sündermann S, Falk V, Hennemuth A (2019) Using Position-Based Dynamics for Simulating the Mitral Valve in a Decision Support System. Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. pp 165–175


Georgii J, Paetz T, Rieder C, Preusser T (2017) Planning and Simulation of Cryoablation in the prostate. Proceedings of CIRSE Annual Meeting
Schwenke M, Georgii J, Preusser T (2017) Fast Numerical Simulation of Focused Ultrasound Treatments during Respiratory Motion with Discontinuous Motion Boundaries. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 64(7):1455–1468
Schwenke M, Strehlow J, Demedts D, Haase S, Barrios Romero D, Rothlübbers S, von Dresky C, Zidowitz S, Georgii J, Mihcin S, Bezzi M, Tanner C, Sat G, Levy Y, Jenne J, Günther M, Melzer A, Preusser T (2017) A focused ultrasound treatment system for moving targets (part I): generic system design and in-silico first-stage evaluation. J Ther Ultrasound 5(1)


Georgii J, Pätz T, Harz M, Stöcker C, Rothgang M, Colletta J, Schilling K, Schlooz-Vries M, Mann RM, Hahn HK (2016) Simulation and Visualization to support Breast Surgery Planning. Proc. of 13th International Workshop on Breast Imaging. pp 257–264
Lübke D, Georgii J, Schwenke M, v. Dresky C, Haller J, Günther M, Preusser T, Jenne JW (2016) Comparison of MR thermometry and HIFU simulations in a calibrated setup. Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound
Wang L, Schnurr A-K, Zidowitz S, Georgii J, Zhao Y, Razavi M, Schwier M, Hahn HK, Hansen C (2016) Segmentation of hepatic artery in multi-phase liver CT using directional dilation and connectivity analysis. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis. 97851P:pp 1–8


Garcia E, Oliver A, Diez Y, Diaz O, Georgii J, Gubern-Merida A, Marti J, Marti R (2015) Comparing regional breast density using Full-Field Digital Mammograms and Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A preliminary study. Proc. of 3rd MICCAI Workshop on Breast Image Analysis. pp 33–40
Guenther M, Bartscherer T, Georgii J, Hewener H, Kipshagen T, Ojdanic D, Kocev B, Lotz J, Olesch J, Rothluebbers S, Schwenke M, Speicher D, Tretbar S (2015) Towards MR-guided biopsy outside the MR-scanner: information fusion based on simultaneous ultrasound-MR imaging and real-time motion tracking. Proc. of CURAC 2015. pp 15–16
Paetz T, Harz M, Wang L, Stoecker C, Schilling K, Colletta J, Schlooz-Vries M, Hahn HK, Georgii J (2015) Sliding Motion in Breast Deformation Modeling. Proc. of 3rd MICCAI Workshop on Breast Image Analysis. pp 137–144
Stoecker C, Harz M, Schlooz-Vries M, Mann R, Schilling K, Colletta J, Georgii J, Paetz T, Hahn HK (2015) MRI-based visualization and augmented reality for breast surgery planning and guidance. Proc. of CURAC 2015. pp 285–286


Acharya D, Georgii J, Preusser T (2014) Towards multi-criteria optimization of transducer configurations. Focused Ultrasound 2014, 4th International Symposium
Georgii J, Bartscherer T, Degel C, Fonfara H, Hewener H, Kipshagen T, Kocev B, Lotz J, Ojdanic D, Olesch J, Rothlübbers S, Speicher D, Tretbar S, Hahn HK, Günther M (2014) Improving Breast Biopsies by Motion Tracking. Proc. of Image-Guided Interventions (IGIC). pp 79–80
Georgii J, Eder M, Bürger K, Klotz S, Ferstl F, Kovacs L, Westermann R (2014) A Computational Tool for Preoperative Breast Augmentation Planning in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform 18(3):907–919
Kocev B, Georgii J, Linsen L, Hahn HK (2014) Information Fusion for Real-time Motion Estimation in Image-guided Breast Biopsy Navigation. In: Bender J, Duriez C, Jaillet F, Zachmann G (eds) Proc. of Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS). Eurographics Association, pp 87–98
Schumann C, Muecke E, Demedts D, Georgii J, von Dresky C, Preusser T (2014) Interactive Approximation of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Simulation for Arbitrary Transducer Configurations. Proc. of Society of Thermal Medicine. 114
Schumann C, Demedts D, Georgii J, von Dresky C, Preusser T (2014) Computer Assisted Planning of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment of the Liver. Proc. of Image-Guided Interventions (IGIC). pp 33–34
Wang L, Böhler T, Zöhrer F, Georgii J, Rauh C, Fasching PA, Brehm B, Schulz-Wendtland R, Beckmann MW, Uder M, Hahn HK (2014) Fully Automated Nipple Detection in 3D Breast Ultrasound Images. 12th International Workshop on Breast Imaging. pp 64–71
Wang L, Böhler T, Zöhrer F, Georgii J, Rauh C, Fasching PA, Brehm B, Schulz-Wendtland R, Beckmann MW, Uder M, Hahn HK (2014) A hybrid method towards automated nipple detection in 3D breast ultrasound images. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’14). pp 2869–2872


Demedts D, Schumann C, Georgii J, von Dresky C, Preusser T (2013) Hardware-independent pre-interventional planning, simulation, and application of focused ultrasound therapy. 13th International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound. Shanghai, 51
Fasching PA, Rauh C, Jud SM, Radicke M, Linde I, Wittenberg T, Wagner F, Zöhrer F, Georgii J, Hahn HK, Brehm B, Uder M, Beckmann MW, Schulz-Wendtland R (2013) Dreidimensionale Beurteilung der Brustzusammensetzung mit dem Automatisierten Brust-Volumen-Scanner (ABVS). 33. Jahrestagung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Senologie
Georgii J, Borasi G, Russo G, Candiano GC, Gilardi MC, Alongi F, Messa C, Preusser T (2013) Integration of Focused Ultrasound with Radiotherapy: the benefit of the hyperthermia field. FUS Therapy Symposium
Georgii J, Demedts D, Schumann C, von Dresky C, Preusser T (2013) Computergestützte Planung von Tumortherapien mit hoch-intensivem fokussiertem Ultraschall. Treffpunkt Medizintechnik
Georgii J, v. Dresky C, Meier S, Schumann S, Demedts D, Preusser T (2013) Simulation of HIFU treatments with efficient numerical techniques. Proc. of Society of Thermal Medicine
Georgii J, von Dresky C, Demedts D, Schumann C, Preusser T (2013) Planning of HIFU therapies of moving organs by using numerical simulation techniques. FUS Therapy Symposium
Georgii J, Zöhrer F, Hahn HK (2013) Model-based Position Correlation between Breast Images. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging. 86701U:pp 1–7


Dresky C v., Georgii J, Jakobsson S, Scherrer A, Demedts D, Schumann C, Meier S, Preusser T (2012) Efficient Computation of Optimal Treatment Plans for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy of Liver Tumors. Focused Ultrasound 2012, 3rd International Symposium. 171
Georgii J, Dick C (2012) Efficient Finite Element Methods for Deformable Bodies in Medical Applications. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 40(2):155–172
Harz M, Georgii J, Wang L, Schilling K, Peitgen H-O (2012) Efficient Breast Deformation Simulation. Proc. of 9th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations. pp 117–126


Georgii J, v. Dresky C, Meier S, Demedts D, Schumann C, Preusser T (2011) Focused Ultrasound – Efficient GPU Simulation Methods for Therapy Planning. Proc. of Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation (VRIPHYS). pp 119–128
Harz M, Georgii J, Schilling K, Hahn HK (2011) Real-time breast deformation using non-linear tissue properties. Informatik 2011: Workshop Emerging Technologies for Medical Diagnosis and Therapy
Harz M, Georgii J, Schilling K, Hahn HK (2011) Towards Navigated Breast Surgery Using Efficient Breast Deformation Simulation. Proc. of Workshop on Breast Image Analysis. pp 137–144