Galinovic I, Fiebach JB, Boutitie F, Cheng B, Cho T-H, Ebinger M, Endres M, Enzinger C, Fiehler J, Ford I, Gregori J, Günther M, Lemmens R, Muir KW, Nighoghossian N, Roy P, Simonsen CZ, Thijs VN, Wouters A, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, Pedraza S (2025) Effect of IV Thrombolysis With Alteplase in Patients With Vessel Occlusion in the WAKE-UP Trial. Neurology 104(2):e209871
Hoffmann G, Preibisch C, Günther M, Mahroo A, van Osch MJP, Václavů L, Metz M-C, Jung K, Zimmer C, Wiestler B, Kaczmarz S (2025) Noninvasive blood–brain barrier integrity mapping in patients with high-grade glioma and metastasis by multi–echo time–encoded arterial spin labeling. Magn Reson Med online first
Mahroo A, Buck MA, Konstandin S, Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Hirsch J, Günther M (2025) New physiological insights using multi-TE ASL MRI measuring blood-brain barrier water exchange after caffeine intake. MAGMA online first
Padrela BE, Slivka M, Sneve MH, Garrido PF, Dijsselhof MBJ, Hageman T, Geier O, Grydeland H, Mahroo A, Kuijer JPA, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Barkhof F, Günther M, Walhovd KB, Fjell AM, Mutsaerts HJMM, Petr J (2025) Blood-brain barrier water permeability across the adult lifespan: a multi-echo ASL study. Neurobiology of Aging 147:176–186
Tee M, Padrela BE, Dupeyron M, Huang J, Low M, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Günther M, Minta K, Schinazi VR, Colombo G, Petr J, Mutsaerts HJMM, Hilal S (2025) Associations between potential risk factors and blood-brain barrier water permeability in middle-aged and older adults. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Bamberg F, Schlett CL, Caspers S, Ringhof S, Günther M, Hirsch JG, Rudebusch J, Miklankova P, Bittner N, Jockwitz C, Forsting M, Hosten N, Kaaks R, Kauczor H-U, Kroenke T, Niendorf T, Peters A, Pischon T, Stang A, Berger K, Volzke H (2024) Baseline MRI Examination in the NAKO Health Study-Findings on Feasibility, Participation and Dropout Rates, Comfort, and Image Quality. 587–593
Buck MA, Eickel K, Günther M (2024) Development of a robust velocity selective arterial spin labeling sequence to address B0- and B1-field inhomogeneities for breast imaging. Magn Reson Mater Phy 37(S1):1–781(P412)
Buck MA, Sommer L, Huber J, Günther M, Hoinkiss DC (2024) Finding the optimal acquisition strategy to visualize liver perfusion using velocity selective arterial spin labeling. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Barcelona, Spain, 411
Cetin A, Turhan G, Padrela B, Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Breutigam NJ, Keil V, Ayca ED, Özduman K, Eickel K, Mutsaerts H, Petr J, Günther M, Dincer A, Ozturk-Isik E (2024) Quantification of BBB Permeability in glioma using ASL with tissue specific T2 values. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 3862
Cetin AI, Turhan G, Padrela BE, Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Honkiss DC, Breutigam N-J, Keil V, Barkhof F, Danyeli AE, Özduman K, Necmettin Pamir MN, Eickel K, Mutsaerts H-J, Petr J, Günther M, Dincer A, Ozturk-Isik E (2024) Tissue-specific T2 BBB-ASL in Meningiomas. Magn Reson Mater Phy 37(S1):1–781(P416)
Lankenau KM, Brauße E, Schill J, Hirsch JG, Schroder J, Günther M, Schultz T (2024) Multimodal Dementia Screening from Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Conversational Speech. Proceedings of the 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 205300
Lütjen T, Huber J, Günther M, Hoinkiss DC (2024) Field-map-based off-resonance correction in 3D GRASE PROPELLER XD-GRASP. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Barcelona, Spain, 221
Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Günther M (2024) Blood–Brain Barrier Permeability to Water Measured Using Multiple Echo Time Arterial Spin Labeling<scp>MRI</scp>in the Aging Human Brain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 59(4):1269–1282
Morgan CA, Thomas DL, Shao X, Mahroo A, Manson TJ, Suresh V, Jansson D, Ohene Y, Günther M, Wang DJJ, Tippett LJ, Dragunow M (2024) Measurement of blood–brain barrier water exchange rate using diffusion-prepared and multi-echo arterial spin labelling: Comparison of quantitative values and age dependence. NMR In Biomed 37(12):e5256
Nagtegaal M, Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, Smink J, Oeltzschner G, Günther M, van Osch M (2024) Advanced vendor-neutral MR sequences on Philips via gammaSTAR: pCASL and MRS-STEAM. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Barcelona, Spain, 116
Padrela B, Mahroo A, Tee M, Sneve MH, Moyaert P, Geier O, Kuijer JPA, Beun S, Nordhøy W, Zhu YD, Buck MA, Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, Huber J, Wiersinga J, Rikken R, de Leeuw D, Grydeland H, Tippett L, Cawston EE, Ozturk-Isik E, Linn J, Brandt M, Tijms BM, van de Giessen EM, Muller M, Fjell A, Walhovd K, Bjørnerud A, Pålhaugen L, Selnes P, Clement P, Achten E, Anazodo U, Barkhof F, Hilal S, Fladby T, Eickel K, Morgan C, Thomas DL, Petr J, Günther M, Mutsaerts HJMM (2024) Developing blood-brain barrier arterial spin labelling as a non-invasive early biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease (DEBBIE-AD): a prospective observational multicohort study protocol. BMJ Open 14(3):e081635
Padrela BE, Tecelão S, Geier O, Sneve MH, Garcia DV, Mahroo A, Pålhaugen L, Kirsebom B-E, Eickel K, Thomas DL, Bjørnerud A, Fjell AM, Walhovd KB, Barkhof F, Selnes P, Günther M, Petr J, Fladby T, Mutsaerts HJMM (2024) ASL blood-brain barrier permeability is associated with amyloid and cognitive impairment. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 0732
Pizzini FB, Boscolo Galazzo I, Natale V, Ribaldi F, Scheffler M, Caranci F, Lovblad K-O, Menegaz G, Frisoni GB, Gunther M (2024) Insights into single-timepoint ASL hemodynamics: what visual assessment and spatial coefficient of variation can tell. Radiol med 129(3):467–477
Plump C, Hoinkiss DC, Huber J, Berger BJ, Lüth C, Günther M, Drechsler R (2024) Finding the perfect sequence for your patient – towards an optimization workflow for MRI-sequences. 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Yokohama, Japan
Strohm H, Rothluebbers S, Perotti L, Stamm O, Fournelle M, Jenne J, Guenther M (2024) Contraction assessment of abdominal muscles using automated segmentation designed for wearable ultrasound applications. IJCARS 19:1607–1614
Turhan G, Cetin AI, Padrela BE, Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Breutigam N-J, Keil V, Danyeli AE, Ozduman K, Eickel K, Mutsaerts HJ, Petr J, Günther M, Dincer A, Ozturk-Isik E (2024) The effect of BBB-ASL intravoxel transit time on perfusion and water exchange time modeling in gliomas. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Barcelona, Spain, 53
Woods JG, Achten E, Asllani I, Bolar DS, Dai W, Detre JA, Fan AP, Fernández‐Seara MA, Golay X, Günther M, Guo J, Hernandez‐Garcia L, Ho M‐L, Juttukonda MR, Lu H, MacIntosh BJ, Madhuranthakam AJ, Mutsaerts H‐J, Okell TW, Parkes LM, Pinter N, Pinto J, Qin Q, Smits M, Suzuki Y, Thomas DL, Van Osch MJP, Wang DJJ, Warnert EAH, Zaharchuk G, Zelaya F, Zhao M, Chappell MA (2024) Recommendations for quantitative cerebral perfusion<scp>MRI</scp>using multi‐timepoint arterial spin labeling: Acquisition, quantification, and clinical applications. Magnetic Resonance in Med 92(2):469–495
Breutigam N-J, Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, Buck MA, Mahroo A, Eickel K, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Günther M (2023) Subject-specific timing adaption in time-encoded arterial spin labeling imaging. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine
Buck MA, Huber J, Günther M (2023) Robust Implementation of a 3D velocity-selective ASL sequence for breast imaging. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB
Hoinkiss DC, Huber J, Plump C, Lüth C, Drechsler R, Günther M (2023) AI-driven and automated MRI sequence optimization in scanner-independent MRI sequences formulated by a domain-specific language. Frontiers in Neuroimaging – Neuroimaging Analysis and Protocols 2
Huber J, Eickel K, Günther M (2023) U-JET: Preliminary results of a convolutional neural network approach for distortion-free image reconstruction of PROPELLER data. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 3709
Huber J, Günther M, Hoinkiss DC (2023) A novel calibration scan for subject-specific tissue suppression in arterial spin labeling. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. P186
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Plump C, Lüth C, Drechsler R, Günther M (2023) High-level and modular description of MRI sequences using domain-specific language. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2225
Lindner T, Bolar DS, Achten E, Barkhof F, Bastos‐Leite AJ, Detre JA, Golay X, Günther M, Wang DJJ, Haller S, Ingala S, Jäger HR, Jahng G‐H, Juttukonda MR, Keil VC, Kimura H, Ho M‐L, Lequin M, Lou X, Petr J, Pinter N, Pizzini FB, Smits M, Sokolska M, Zaharchuk G, Mutsaerts HJMM (2023) Current state and guidance on arterial spin labeling perfusion MRIin clinical neuroimaging. Magn Reson Med 89(5):2024–2047
Madore B, Hess AT, van Niekerk AMJ, Hoinkiss DC, Hucker P, Zaitsev M, Afacan O, Günther M (2023) External Hardware and Sensors, for Improved MRI. JMRI 57(3):690–705
Mahroo A, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Hirsch J, Günther M (2023) Increased Blood-brain Barrier Permeability in Response to Caffeine Challenge. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2582
Nagtegaal M, Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, de Bresser J, Günther M, van Osch MJP (2023) Vendor-agnostic pulse programming on gammaSTAR: A traveling head experiment to test the Philips driver. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. LT54
Nagtegaal M, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Gross-Weege N, Schulz V, Günther M, van Osch T (2023) Vendor neutral pulse programming: Running gammaSTAR sequences on Philips Hardware. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2217
Padrela B, Sneve M, Zelhorst S, Tee M, Grydeland H, Mahroo A, Kuijer J, Walhovd K, Fjell A, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Barkhof F, Hilal S, Günther M, Mutsaerts H, Petr J (2023) Blood-brain barrier permeability changes over the lifespan. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 1919
Padrela B, Tee M, Sneve M, Mahroo A, Geier O, Thomas D, Morgan C, Moyaert P, Ozturk E, Nordhøy W, Pålhaugen L, Linn J, Selnes P, Eickel K, Konstandin S, Kuijer J, Hoinkiss DC, Breutigam NJ, Buck MA, Achten R, Barkhof F, Hilal S, Fladby T, Anazodo U, Petr J, Mutsaerts H, Günther M (2023) DEveloping Blood-Brain barrier arterial spin labeling as a non-Invasive Early biomarker (DEBBIE). Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 367
Schultz B, DeLong LN, Masny A, Lentzen M, Raschka T, van Dijk D, Zaliani A, Hansen AF, Sabine, Rüping KS, Burmeister J, Kohlhammer J, Sarau G, Christiansen S, Kannt A, Zaliani A, Foldenauer AC, Claussen C, Resch E, Frank K, Gribbon P, Kuzikov M, Keminer O, Laue H, Hahn H, Hirsch J, Wischnewski M, Günther M, Archipovas S, Kodamullil AT, Gemünd A, Schultz B, Steinborn C, Ebeling C, Fernández DD, Hermanowski H, Fröhlich H, Klein J, Lentzen M, Jacobs M, Hofmann-Apitius M, Knieps M, Krapp M, Wendland PJ, Wegner P, Khatami SG, Springstubbe S, Linden T, Fluck J, Fröhlich H (2023) A machine learning method for the identification and characterization of novel COVID-19 drug targets. Sci Rep 13(1)
Schuppert C, Rospleszcz S, Hirsch JG, Hoinkiss DC, Köhn A, von Krüchten R, Russe MF, Keil T, Krist L, Schmidt B, Michels KB, Schipf S, Brenner H, Kröncke TJ, Pischon T, Niendorf T, Schulz-Menger J, Forsting M, Völzke H, Hosten N, Bülow R, Zaitsev M, Kauczor HU, Bamberg F, Günther M, Schlett CL (2023) Automated image quality assessment for selecting among multiple magnetic resonance image acquisitions in the German National Cohort study. Sci Rep 13:22745
Schuppert C, von Krüchten R, Hirsch J, Hoinkiss DC, Kaaks R, Bamberg F, Kauczor HU, Günther M, Schlett C (2023) Ganzkörper-Magnetresonanztomographien in der NAKO Gesundheitsstudie: Anwendung einer automatisierten Bildqualitätsanalyse zur Vorhersage der empfunden Bildqualität. 104. Deutscher Röntgenkongress. 195(S 01): S40
Schuppert C, von Krüchten R, Hirsch J, Hoinkiss DC, Kaaks R, Bamberg F, Kauczor HU, Günther M, Schlett C (2023) Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Large Population-Based German National Cohort Study (NAKO): Use of an Automated Image Quality Assessment for the Prediction of Perceived Image Quality. European Congress of Radiology
Sommer L, Hoinkiss DC, Huber J, Konstandin S, Günther M (2023) Feasibility Study to Spatially Map the Filtration Function of the Kidneys with Multi-TE Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 2760
Turhan G, Cetin A, Mahroo A, Padrela B, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Breutigam NJ, Eickel K, Petr J, Mutsaerts H, Danyeli A, Ozduman K, Günther M, Dincer A, Ozturk-Isik E (2023) Perfusion and Time of Exchange Measurements Using BBB-ASL in Gliomas: The Initial Experience. Proceedings of the ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. 1757
Breutigam N-J, Günther M, Hoinkiss DC, Eickel K, Frost R, Buck MA, Porter DA (2022) Combined acquisition of diffusion and T2*-weighted measurements using simultaneous multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging. Magn Reson Mater Phy 35(3):421–440
Buck MA, Konstandin S, Breutigam N-J, Günther M (2022) Exploration of Velocity-Selective Inversion Arterial Spin Labeling for Breast Imaging. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 1304
Buck MA, Konstandin S, Breutigam N-J, Günther M (2022) Towards vendor-independent Velocity-Selective Inversion Arterial Spin Labeling for Breast Imaging. Proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Perfusion MRI ‘From Head to Toe’
Duff E, Zelaya F, Almagro FA, Miller KL, Martin N, Nichols TE, Taschler B, Griffanti L, Arthofer C, Douaud G, Wang C, Okell TW, Bethlehem RAI, Eickel K, Günther M, Menon DK, Williams G, Facer B, Lythgoe DJ, Dell’Acqua F, Wood GK, Williams SCR, Houston G, Keller SS, Holden C, Hartmann M, George L, Breen G, Michael BD, Jezzard P, Smith SM, Bullmore ET, Yap P-T (2022) Reliability of multi-site UK Biobank MRI brain phenotypes for the assessment of neuropsychiatric complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection: The COVID-CNS travelling heads study. PLoS ONE 17(9):e0273704
Heizmann M, Braun A, Glitzner M, Günther M, Hasna G, Klüver C, Krooß J, Marquardt E, Overdick M, Ulrich M (2022) Implementing machine learning: chances and challenges. at – Automatisierungstechnik 70(1):90–101
Hoinkiss DC, Konstandin S, Günther M (2022) Constraint-Based MRI Sequence Optimization in a Scanner-Independent MRI Framework. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 2770
Huber J, Günther M, Channaveerappa M, Hoinkiss DC (2022) Towards Free Breathing 3D ASL Imaging of the Human Liver using Prospective Motion Correction. Magn Reson Med 88(2):711–726
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Channaveerappa M, Günther M (2022) Free Breathing 3D ASL Imaging of the Human Liver using Prospective Motion Correction: Preliminary Results. Proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Perfusion MRI ‘From Head to Toe’
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Channaveerappa M, Günther M (2022) Free Breathing 3D ASL Imaging of the Human Liver using Prospective Motion Correction: Preliminary Results. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 72
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Channaveerappa M, Günther M (2022) Multi PLD/Multi TE Perfusion Data of the Human Liver Assessed by Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the ISMRM Workshop on Perfusion MRI ‘From Head to Toe’
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Günther M (2022) Joint estimation and correction of motion and geometric distortion in segmented arterial spin labeling. Magn Reson Med 87(4):1876–1885
Lippke M: S E, Philipp D, Konstandin S, Jenne J, Bertuch T, Günther M (2022) Investigation of a Digitally-Reconfigurable Metasurface for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Proceedings of the 52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC). IEEE, pp 668–671
Mensing D, Gregori J, Jenne J, Stritt M, Gerold B, Günther M (2022) LSTM-U-net for the robust segmentation of veins in ultrasound sequences. Proceedings SPIE Medical Imaging 2022: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions and Modeling. 120341R
Mensing D, Hirsch J, Wenzel M, Günther M (2022) 3D (c)GAN for Whole Body MR Synthesis. In: Mukhopadhyay A Oksuz I. Engelhardt S. Zhu D. Yuan Y (ed) Proceedings of the Second MICCAI Workshop, DGM4MICCAI 2022. LNCS 13609, pp 97–105
Neumann K, Günther M, Düzel E, Schreiber S (2022) Microvascular Impairment in Patients With Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Assessed With Arterial Spin Labeling Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Pilot Study. Front. Aging Neurosci 14:871612
Peters A, Greiser KH, Gottlicher S, Ahrens W, Albrecht M, Bamberg F, Barnighausen T, Becher H, Berger K, Beule A, Boeing H, Bohn B, Bohnert K, Braun B, Brenner H, Bulow R, Castell S, Damms-Machado A, Dorr M, Ebert N, Ecker M, Emmel C, Fischer B, Franzke C-W, Gastell S, Giani G, Gunther M, Gunther K, Gunther K-P, Haerting J, Haug U, Heid IM, Heier M, Heinemeyer D, Hendel T, Herbolsheimer F, Hirsch J, Hoffmann W, Holleczek B, Holling H, Horlein A, Jockel K-H, Kaaks R, Karch A, Karrasch S, Kartschmit N, Kauczor H-U, Keil T, Kemmling Y, Klee B, Kluppelholz B, Kluttig A, Kofink L, Kottgen A, Kraft D, Krause G, Kretz L, Krist L, Kuhnisch J, Kuss O, Legath N, Lehnich A-T, Leitzmann M, Lieb W, Linseisen J, Loeffler M, Macdonald A, Maier-Hein KH, Mangold N, Meinke-Franze C, Meisinger C, Melzer J, Mergarten B, Michels KB, Mikolajczyk R, Moebus S, Mueller U, Nauck M, Niendorf T, Nikolaou K, Obi N, Ostrzinski S, Panreck L, Pigeot I, Pischon T, Pschibul-Thamm I, Rathmann W, Reineke A, Roloff S, Rujescu D, Rupf S, Sander O, Schikowski T, Schipf S, Schirmacher P, Schlett CL, Schmidt B, Schmidt G, Schmidt M, Schone G, Schulz H, Schulze MB, Schweig A, Sedlmeier AM, Selder S, Six-Merker J, Sowade R, Stang A, Stegle O, Steindorf K, Stubs G, Swart E, Teismann H, Thiele I, Thierry S, Ueffing M, Volzke H, Waniek S, Weber A, Werner N, Wichmann H-E, Willich SN, Wirkner K, Wolf K, Wolff R, Zeeb H, Zinkhan M, Zschocke J (2022) Framework and baseline examination of the German National Cohort (NAKO). Eur J Epidemiol 37:1107–1124
Schuppert C, v. Kruechten R, Hirsch JG, Rospleszcz S, Hoinkiss DC, Selder S, Köhn A, v. Stackelberg O, Peters A, Völzke H, Niendorf T, Forsting M, Hosten N, Hendel T, Pischon T, Jöckel K, Kaaks R, Bamberg F, Kauczor H, Günther M, Schlett C, the German National Cohort MRI Study Investigators (2022) Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Large Population-Based German National Cohort Study. Invest Radiol 57(7):478–487
Ssali T, Narciso L, Hicks J, Liu L, Jesso S, Richardson L, Günther M, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Prato F, Anazodo UC, Finger E, St Lawrence K (2022) Concordance of regional hypoperfusion by pCASL MRI and 15O-water PET in frontotemporal dementia: Is pCASL an efficacious alternative? NeuroImage: Clinical 33:102950
Ssali T, Anazodo UC, Narciso L, Liu L, Jesso S, Richardson L, Günther M, Konstandin S, Eickel K, Prato F, Finger E, St. Lawrence K (2022) Sensitivity of Arterial Spin Labeling for Characterization of Longitudinal Perfusion Changes in Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders. NeuroImage: Clinical 35:102853
Strohm H, Kuhlen V, Jenne J, Günther M, Rothlübbers S (2022) Effect of Geometric and Transmit Corrections on Global Speed of Sound Estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS). pp 1–4
Breutigam NJ, Hoinkiss DC, Buck M, Eickel K, Guenther M, Porter D (2021) Evaluation of Saturation Effects in Simultaneous Multi-Contrast (SMC) Imaging. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 1330
Buck MA, Mahroo A, Huber J, Günther M (2021) Considering intra-voxel transit times is a must for robust determination of Blood Brain Barrier Integrity using Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. S4.O5
Chappell MA, McConnell FAK, Golay X, Günther M, Hernandez-Tamames JA, van Osch MJ, Asllani I (2021) Partial volume correction in arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI: A method to disentangle anatomy from physiology or an analysis step too far? NeuroImage 238:118236
Huber J, Channaveerappa M, Hoinkiss DC, Günther M (2021) Towards Free-Breathing Liver Perfusion Imaging (Using Prospective Motion Correction). Proceedings of the 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. S4.P7
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Günther M (2021) Adaptive Adjustment of Background Suppression in Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. S4.P5
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Guenther M (2021) Joint Estimation and Correction of Motion and Geometric Distortion in Segmented 3D Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 0468
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Guenther M (2021) Robust Implementation of a 3D Pulsed ASL Sequence for Assessment of Liver Perfusion. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 2737
Mahroo A, Buck M, Huber J, Breutigam N-J, Mutsaerts H, Craig M, Chappell M, Günther M (2021) Robust Multi-TE ASL-Based Blood–Brain Barrier Integrity Measurements. Front. Neurosci 15:719676
Neumann K, Schidlowski M, Günther M, Stöcker T, Düzel E (2021) Reliability and Reproducibility of Hadamard Encoded Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling in Healthy Elderly. Front Neurosci 15:711898
Philipp D, Stoja E, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Jenne J, Umathum R, Guenther M (2021) Smart metamaterials for 3 T MRI. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 1403
Stoja E, Konstandin S, Philipp D, Wilke RN, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Jenne J, Umathum R, Guenther M (2021) Improving magnetic resonance imaging with smart and thin metasurfaces. Scientific Reports 11(1):16179
Wilke RN, Konstandin S, Hoinkiss DC, Uecker M, Guenther M (2021) Visual Remote Control of MRI Reconstruction Toolboxes. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 3770
Winata S, Hoinkiss DC, Keith GA, Porter DA, Günther M (2021) Image Registration Shortcut for Prospective Motion Correction Using Unseparated Multiband Slices. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. S3.P27
Winata S, Hoinkiss DC, Keith GA, Porter DA, Günther M (2021) Optimisation of Navigator Parameter for MS-PACE Prospective Motion Correction. Proceedings of the BIC & Iberian Chapter of ISMRM Post Graduate Meeting
Betancourt D, Stoja E, Wilke RN, Philipp D, Jenne J, Umathum R, Konstandin S, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) A metamaterial-based cable mantle for shield current suppression in MRI systems. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC). pp 1–4
Breutigam NJ, Hoinkiss DC, Buck MA, Mahroo A, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Guenther M (2020) Optimal subject-specific pCASL settings by automated inner-scan timing adaption. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 3282
Buck MA, Guenther M (2020) Towards patient specific dispersion correction for more accurate quantification in pCASL: modeling and experimental findings. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 0026
Cordes C, Konstandin S, Porter D, Günther M (2020) Portable and platform‐independent MR pulse sequence programs. Magn Reson Med 83(4):1277–1290
Hoinkiss DC, Cordes C, Konstandin S, Guenther M (2020) Event-Based Traversing of Hierarchical Sequences Allows Real-Time Execution and Arbitrary Looping in a Scanner-Independent MRI Framework. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 1043
Hoinkiss DC, Struckmann S, Werner N, Schmidt CO, Günther M, Hirsch J (2020) Long-Time Stability of Image Quality in the German National Cohort (NAKO) Imaging Study Based on Automatic Image Quality Assessment. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. L01.124
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Guenther M (2020) Subject-specific background suppression in 3D pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 3283
Konstandin S, Cordes C, Guenther M (2020) Graphical sequence visualization and development in the dynamic platform-independent framework gammaSTAR: A first prototype. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 3644
Mutsaerts HJMM, Petr J, Groot P, Vandemaele P, Ingala S, Robertson AD, Václavů L, Groote I, Kuijf H, Zelaya F, O’Daly O, Hilal S, Wink AM, Kant I, Caan MWA, Morgan C, de Bresser J, Lysvik E, Schrantee A, Bjørnebekk A, Clement P, Shirzadi Z, Kuijer JPA, Wottschel V, Anazodo UC, Pajkrt D, Richard E, Bokkers RPH, Reneman L, Masellis M, Günther M, MacIntosh BJ, Achten E, Chappell MA, van Osch MJP, Golay X, Thomas DL, De Vita E, Bjørnerud A, Nederveen A, Hendrikse J, Asllani I, Barkhof F (2020) ExploreASL: An image processing pipeline for multi-center ASL perfusion MRI studies. NeuroImage 219:117031
Rothluebbers S, Strohm H, Eickel K, Jenne J, Kuhlen V, Sinden D, Günther M (2020) Improving Image Quality of Single Plane Wave Ultrasound via Deep Learning Based Channel Compounding. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium
Schipf S, Schöne G, Schmidt B, Günther K, Stübs G, Greiser KH, Bamberg F, Meinke-Franze C, Becher H, Berger K, Brenner H, Castell S, Damms-Machado A, Fischer B, Franzke C-W, Fricke J, Gastell S, Günther M, Hoffmann W, Holleczek B, Jaeschke L, Jagodzinski A, Jöckel K-H, Kaaks R, Kauczor H-U, Kemmling Y, Kluttig A, Krist L, Kurth B, Kuß O, Legath N, Leitzmann M, Lieb W, Linseisen J, Löffler M, Michels KB, Mikolajczyk R, Pigeot I, Mueller U, Peters A, Rach S, Schikowski T, Schulze MB, Stallmann C, Stang A, Swart E, Waniek S, Wirkner K, Völzke H, Pischon T, Ahrens W (2020) The baseline assessment of the German National Cohort (NAKO Gesundheitsstudie): participation in the examination modules, quality assurance, and the use of secondary data. Bundesgesundheitsbl 63(3):254–266
Stoja E, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Philipp D, Umathum R, Jenne J, Betancourt D, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Design and characterization of a metasurface enhancement plate for 3T MRI. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC). pp 1–4
Stoja E, Philipp D, Betancourt D, Konstandin S, Wilke RN, Umathum R, Jenne J, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Numerical investigation of a self-detuning signal enhancement metasurface for 3T MRI. XXXIIIrd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (GASS, URSI). pp K12–01
Strohm H, Rothlübbers S, Eickel K, Günther M (2020) Deep learning-based reconstruction of ultrasound images from raw channel data. Int J CARS 15:1487–1490
Wilke RN, Stoja E, Bekaan K, Philip D, Jenne J, Betancourt D, Konstandin S, Umathum R, Bertuch T, Guenther M (2020) Efficient 3D-characterization of metamaterial devices for enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 4079
Archipovas S, Wilke RN, Konstandin S, Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Cordes C, Breutigam NJ, Guenther M (2019) A prototype of a fully integrated environment for a collaborative work in MR sequence development for a reproducible research. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 0945
Breutigam NJ, Buck MA, Hoinkiss DC, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Günther M (2019) Automated Subject-Specific Adaption of pCASL Timing Parameters in Real Time. Proceedings of the University of Michigan International Workshop on Arterial Spin Labeling MRI: Technical Updates and Clinical Experience. 27
Cordes C, Konstandin S, Mensing D, Archipovas S, Wilke RW, Guenther M (2019) Configuring, viewing, exploring and exporting reproducible, vendor-independent MRI pulse sequences. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 4826
de Jong DLK, de Heus RAA, Rijpma A, Donders R, Olde Rikkert MGM, Günther M, Lawlor BA, van Osch MJP, Claassen JAHR (2019) Effects of Nilvadipine on Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients With Alzheimer Disease: A Randomized Trial. Hypertension 74(2):413–420
Eickel K, Blaimer M, Günther M (2019) Signal Stability and Sensitivity of Referenceless Reconstructions with SMSnet in Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 4646
Hoinkiss DC, Cordes C, Konstandin S, Huber J, Wilke R, Günther M (2019) Real-Time Sequence Control for Prospective Motion Correction in a Dynamic, Platform-Independent MRI Framework. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. S14.02
Hoinkiss DC, Erhard P, Breutigam NJ, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Guenther M, Porter DA (2019) Prospective Motion Correction in Functional MRI Using Simultaneous Multislice Imaging and Multislice-to-Volume Image Registration. NeuroImage 200:159–173
Huber J, Hoinkiss DC, Vicari M, Günther M, Wilke R (2019) 3D Rigid Body Motion Correction in ASL-Perfusion Imaging Using 3D GRASE PROPELLER. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. P02.09
Huber J, Vicari M, Guenther M (2019) Motion robust distortion-free Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 0684
Konstandin S, Cordes C, Guenther M (2019) Dynamic platform-independent MRI vs. manufacturer’s implementations. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 4841
Schröder J, Heinze M, Günther M, Cheng B, Nickel A, Schröder T, Fischer F, Kessner SS, Magnus T, Fiehler J, Larena-Avellaneda A, Gerloff C, Thomalla G (2019) Dynamics of brain perfusion and cognitive performance in revascularization of carotid artery stenosis. Neuroimage Clin 22:101779
Anazodo UC, Finger E, Kwan BYM, Pavlosky W, Warrington JC, Guenther M, Prato FS, Thiessen JD, St Lawrence KS (2018) Using simultaneous PET/MRI to compare the accuracy of diagnosing frontotemporal dementia by arterial spin labelling MRI and FDG-PET. Neuroimage Clin 17:405–414
Breutigam N-J, Günther M, Porter D (2018) Simultaneous Multi-Contrast Imaging in Combination with in-plane Parallel Imaging. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 2704
Buck MA, Guenther M, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F (2018) Reproduzierbarkeit der absoluten Perfusion mit Arterial Spin Labeling: Beurteilung der Stabilität der absoluten Perfusion sowie der M0- und Kalibrierungsbilder. 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Sektion der ISMRM – Abstractband. 27
Eickel K, Günther M (2018) A Neural Network for Referenceless Reconstruction in Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 2782
Eickel K, Porter DA, Söhner A, Maaß M, Lüdemann L, Günther M (2018) Simultaneous multislice acquisition with multi-contrast segmented EPI for separation of signal contributions in dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging. PLoS ONE 13(8):e0202673
Günther M (2018) Arterial Spin Labeled Input Function (ASLIF): signal acquisition during pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 0305
Hoinkiss DC, Erhard P, Guenther M, Breutigam NJ, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Porter DA (2018) Prospective Motion Correction in Multiband fMRI Using Multislice-to-Volume Image Registration. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of the ISMRM and the ESMRMB. 1170
Thomalla G, Simonsen CZ, Boutitie F, Andersen G, Berthezene Y, Cheng B, Cheripelli B, Cho T-H, Fazekas F, Fiehler J, Ford I, Galinovic I, Gellissen S, Golsari A, Gregori J, Günther M, Guibernau J, Häusler KG, Hennerici M, Kemmling A, Marstrand J, Modrau B, Neeb L, Perez de la Ossa N, Puig J, Ringleb P, Roy P, Scheel E, Schonewille W, Serena J, Sunaert S, Villringer K, Wouters A, Thijs V, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach JB, Lemmens R, Muir KW, Nighoghossian N, Pedraza S, Gerloff C (2018) MRI-Guided Thrombolysis for Stroke with Unknown Time of Onset. N Engl J Med 379(7):611–622
Wolf ME, Okazaki S, Eisele P, Rossmanith C, Gregori J, Griebe M, Günther M, Gass A, Hennerici MG, Szabo K, Kern R (2018) Arterial Spin Labeling Cerebral Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Migraine Aura: An Observational Study. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 27(5):1262–1266
Buck MA, Guenther M, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F (2017) The reproducibility of absolute ASL-CBF: assessing the stability of absolute CBF, M0 and calibration images. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 3621
Eickel K, Günther M (2017) Referenceless Reconstruction in Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine German Chapter. P10
Hirsch JG, Köhn A, Hoinkiss DC, Singe J, Öztürk EEB, Günther M, the NAKO MRI Investigators (2017) Quality Assessment in the Multicenter MR Imaging Study of the German National Cohort (NAKO). Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 4458
Honroth T, Cordes C, Archipovas S, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Günther M, Porter D (2017) Advanced platform-independent MR prototyping: From EPI to Arterial Spin Labeling without code compilation. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of ISMRM. 3824
Huber J, Vicari M, Guenther M (2017) Improving Robustness of Motion Correction in 3D GRASE PROPELLER Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2017. 567
Konstandin S, Guenther M (2017) Implementation and optimization of an automatic k-space trajectory correction for ultrashort echo time imaging. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 4008
Schwenke M, Strehlow J, Demedts D, Haase S, Barrios Romero D, Rothlübbers S, von Dresky C, Zidowitz S, Georgii J, Mihcin S, Bezzi M, Tanner C, Sat G, Levy Y, Jenne J, Günther M, Melzer A, Preusser T (2017) A focused ultrasound treatment system for moving targets (part I): generic system design and in-silico first-stage evaluation. J Ther Ultrasound 5(1)
Breutigam NJ, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Günther M (2016) Automatic adaption of ASL labeling parameters: Walsh-sorted time-encoded pCASL with a dynamic feedback algorithm. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 1000
Cordes C, Honroth T, Hoinkiss DC, Archipovas S, Porter DA, Günther M (2016) Parameter Dependency in Modular MR Sequences using Directed Graphs. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 3198
Eickel K, Luedemann L, Porter DA, Guenther M (2016) Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisition with Multi-Contrast Segmented EPI for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Imaging. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 3244
Hirsch JG, Köhn A, Hoinkiss DC, Peter J, Thomsen A, Günther M, the German National Cohort MRI Study Investigators (2016) Fully Automated Data Management and Quality Assurance in Very Large Prospective Cohort MR Imaging Studies – the MR Imaging Study within the German National Cohort. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 0247
Hirsch JG, Köhn A, Hoinkiss DC, Singe J, Albers M, Aumann N, Guenther M, the NAKO MRI Study Investigators (2016) Quality Assessment in Very Large Prospective Multicenter Cohort MR Imaging Studies – the MR Imaging Study within the German National Cohort (NAKO). Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the ESMRMB. 186
Hoinkiss DC, Günther M, Porter DA (2016) Prospective Motion Correction in Diffusion Tensor Imaging using Intermediate Pseudo-Trace-Weighted Images. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 1844
Honroth T, Cordes C, Archipovas S, Hoinkiss DC, Günther M, Porter DA (2016) Platform-independent, rapid prototyping of MR sequences without code compilation. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM. 3207
Honroth T, Vreeman S, Vicari M, Laue H, Mann R, Guenther M (2016) 3D Arterial Spin Labeling in breast cancer: A case study. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 1489
Kompan IN, Guenther M (2016) Phase correction in the presence of gradient delays for 3D radial data. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 1767
Konstandin S, Guenther M (2016) A beating heart simulation for sequence optimization of sodium MRI. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 3943
Kramme J, Diepers M, Günther M, Steinert S, Gregori J (2016) Quality assessment of a semi-automated spinal disc volume segmentation method. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting ISMRM. 1453
Lübke D, Georgii J, Schwenke M, v. Dresky C, Haller J, Günther M, Preusser T, Jenne JW (2016) Comparison of MR thermometry and HIFU simulations in a calibrated setup. Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound
Madai VI, Martin SZ, von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Herzig CX, Mutke MA, Wood CN, Thamm T, Zweynert S, Bauer M, Hetzer S, Günther M, Sobesky J (2016) Correction for Susceptibility Distortions Increases the Performance of Arterial Spin Labeling in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease: Correction for Susceptibility Distortions Increases CD. J Neuroimaging 26(4):436–444
Okazaki S, Griebe M, Gregori J, Guenther M, Sauter-Servaes J, Wolf ME, Gass A, Hennerici MG, Szabo K, Kern R (2016) Prediction of Early Reperfusion From Repeated Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging During Intravenous Thrombolysis. Stroke 47(1):247–250
Schlett CL, Hendel T, Hirsch JG, Weckbach S, Caspers S, Schulz-Menger J, Ittermann T, von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff F, Ladd SC, Moebus S, Stroszczynski C, Fischer B, Leitzmann M, Kuhl C, Pessler F, Hartung D, Kemmling Y, Hetterich H, Amunts K, Gunther M, Wacker F, Rummeny E, Kauczor H-U, Forsting M, Voelzke H, Hosten N, Reiser MF, Bamberg F (2016) Quantitative, Organ-Specific Interscanner and Intrascanner Variability for 3 T Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Multicenter, Multivendor Study. Invest Radiol 51(4):255–265
Schlett CL, Hendel T, Weckbach S, Reiser M, Kauczor HU, Nikolaou K, Guenther M, Forsting M, Hosten N, Volzke H, Bamberg F (2016) Population-Based Imaging and Radiomics: Rationale and Perspective of the German National Cohort MRI Study. RöFo Fortschr Röntgenstr 188(7):652–661
Schwaab J, Diez Y, Oliver A, Martí R, Zelst J van, Gubern-Mérida A, Mourri AB, Gregori J, Günther M (2016) Automated quality assessment in three-dimensional breast ultrasound images. J Med Imag 3(2):027002
Ssali T, Anazodo UC, Bureau Y, MacIntosh BJ, Günther M, St. Lawrence K, Chen K (2016) Mapping Long-Term Functional Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow by Arterial Spin Labeling. PLoS ONE 11(10):e0164112
von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Madai VI, Sobesky J, Guenther M (2016) Walsh-ordered Hadamard time-encoded pseudocontinuous ASL (WH-pCASL). Magn Reson Med 76(6):1814–1824
von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Chappell MA, Günther M (2016) Automated outlier detection for time-encoded ASL. Proc. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB. 790
Wang L, Chitiboi T, Meine H, Günther M, Hahn HK (2016) Principles and methods for automatic and semi-automatic tissue segmentation in MRI data. Magn Reson Mater Phy 29(2):95–110
Alsop DC, Detre JA, Golay X, Günther M, Hendrikse J, Hernandez-Garcia L, Lu H, Macintosh BJ, Parkes LM, Smits M, van Osch MJ, Wang DJ, Wong EC, Zaharchuk G (2015) Recommended implementation of arterial spin-labeled perfusion MRI for clinical applications: A consensus of the ISMRM perfusion study group and the European consortium for ASL in dementia. Magn Reson Med 73(1):102–116
Anazodo UC, Thiessen JD, Ssali T, Mandel J, Guenther M, Butler J, Pavlosky W, Prato FS, Thompson RT, St. Lawrence KS (2015) Feasibility of simultaneous whole-brain imaging on an integrated PET-MRI system using an enhanced 2-point Dixon attenuation correction method. Front Neurosci 8
Bamberg F, Kauczor HU, Weckbach S, Schlett CL, Forsting M, Ladd SC, Greiser KH, Weber MA, Schulz-Menger J, Niendorf T, Pischon T, Caspers S, Amunts K, Berger K, Bulow R, Hosten N, Hegenscheid K, Kroncke T, Linseisen J, Guenther M, Hirsch JG, Koehn A, Hendel T, Wichmann HE, Schmidt BJ KH, Hoffmann W, Kaaks R, Reiser MF, Volzke H (2015) Whole-Body MR Imaging in the German National Cohort: Rationale, Design, and Technical Background. Radiology 277(1):206–220
Bibic A, Knutsson L, Schmidt A, Henningsson E, Månsson S, Abul-Kasim K, Åkeson J, Guenther M, Ståhlberg F, Wirestam R (2015) Measurement of vascular water transport in human subjects using time-resolved pulsed arterial spin labelling: Measurement of Vascular Water Transport in Humans Using PASL. NMR Biomed 28(8):1059–1068
De Luca V, Benz T, Kondo S, König L, Lübke D, Rothlübbers S, Somphone O, Allaire S, Bell MAL, Chung DYF, Cifor A, Grozea C, Günther M, Jenne J, Kipshagen T, Kowarschik M, Navab N, Rühaak J, Schwaab J, Tanner C (2015) The 2014 liver ultrasound tracking benchmark. Phys Med Biol 60(14):5571–5599
Eickel K, Luedemann L, Guenther M (2015) Multi-Contrast EPI-based Sequence using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisition with Controlled Aliasing Readout for Dynamic Imaging. Proceedings of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Guenther M, Bartscherer T, Georgii J, Hewener H, Kipshagen T, Ojdanic D, Kocev B, Lotz J, Olesch J, Rothluebbers S, Schwenke M, Speicher D, Tretbar S (2015) Towards MR-guided biopsy outside the MR-scanner: information fusion based on simultaneous ultrasound-MR imaging and real-time motion tracking. Proc. of CURAC 2015. pp 15–16
Knowles B, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Guenther M, Zaitsev M (2015) Prospective motion correction for artefact reduction in pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling with a 3D GRASE readout. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting ISMRM. 0271
Kompan IN, Eickel K, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Knowles BR, Guenther M (2015) A Simple and Cheap Perfusion Phantom. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 0798
Konstandin S, Guenther M (2015) SNR-efficient anisotropic 3D ultra-short echo time sequence for sodium MRI with retrospective gating. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2435
Konstandin S, Kraemer P, Guenther M, Schad LR (2015) Sodium magnetic resonance imaging using ultra-short echo time sequences with anisotropic resolution and uniform k-space sampling. Magn Reson Imaging 33(3):319–327
Kramme J, Gregori J, Diehl V, Madai VI, von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Lentschig M, Sobesky J, Günther M (2015) Improving perfusion quantification in Arterial Spin Labeling for delayed arrival times by using optimized acquisition schemes. Z Med Phys 25(3):221–229
Madai VI, von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Sandow N, Weiler F, Bauer M, Vajkoczy P, Günther M, Dusek P, Von Gottberg P, Niendorf T, Wuerfel J, Sobesky J (2015) Ultrahigh-field MPRAGE Magnetic Resonance Angiography at 7.0T in patients with cerebrovascular disease. Eur J Radiol 84(12):2613–2617
Martin SZ, Madai VI, von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Mutke MA, Bauer M, Herzig CX, Hetzer S, Guenther M, Sobesky J (2015) 3D GRASE pulsed arterial spin labeling at multiple inflow times in patients with long arterial transit times: comparison with dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI at 3 Tesla. JCBFM 35(3):392–401
Mutsaerts HJMM, van Osch MJP, Zelaya FO, Wang DJJ, Nordhøy W, Wang Y, Wastling S, Fernandez-Seara MA, Petersen ET, Pizzini FB, Fallatah S, Hendrikse J, Geier O, Guenther M, Golay X, Nederveen AJ, Bjørnerud A, Groote IR (2015) Multi-vendor reliability of arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI using a near-identical sequence: Implications for multi-center studies. NeuroImage 113:143–152
Ong M, Honroth T, Günther M, Kühn B, Schönberg SO, Hausmann D (2015) Evaluation of Ultra-fast, Single Breath-Hold Renal ASL Perfusion-Preliminary Results of Healthy Volunteers. Radiology (RSNA Abstract Supplement)
Schwaab J, Gubern-Mérida A, Wang L, Günther M (2015) Automatic assessment of nipple position in Automated 3D Breast Ultrasound images. Proc. 3rd MICCAI Workshop on Breast Image Analysis. pp 9–16
Schwenke M, Strehlow J, Haase S, Jenne J, Tanner C, Langø T, Loeve AJ, Karakitsios I, Xiao X, Levy Y, Sat G, Bezzi M, Braunewell S, Guenther M, Melzer A, Preusser T (2015) An integrated model-based software for FUS in moving abdominal organs. Int J Hyperthermia 31(3):240–250
Speicher D, Bartscherer T, Becker FJ, Jenne JW, Mrosk K, Degel C, Günther M, Tretbar S (2015) MRI Compatible Ultrasound Transducers for Simultaneous Acquisition of Coregistered Ultrasound to MRI Data. Physics Procedia. pp 1002–1006
Vicari M, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Guenther M (2015) “Time is Brain”: Accelerated High-Resolution 3D Arterial Spin Labelling for Brain Perfusion MRI. Proceedings of the ESMRMB AM 2015
von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Madai VI, Herzig C, Martin S, Hetzer S, Mutke MA, Eickel K, Guenther M Sobesky J (2015) Right Church, Wrong Pew? The Importance of Geometric Distortion Correction in 3D GRASE ASL. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine
von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Sobesky J, Chappell MA, Günther M (2015) Subtraction free arterial spin labeling : a new Bayesian-inference based approach for gaining perfusion data from time. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting ISMRM. 0275
Corr D, Weiler F, Hoogenboom M, van Amerongen M, Fütterer JJ, Dadakova T, Bock M, Günther M, Jenne JW (2014) Software-supported Analysis of MRgFUS Therapy Outcome. FUS Foundation Symposium, Bethesda. 212
Dicken V, Geisler B, Weiler F, Klein J, Guenther M, Galinovic I, Fiebach JB, Thomalla G (2014) Results from software based formal training of MR image reading in the WAKE-UP trial. European Stroke Conference (ESC)
Eickel K, Guenther M, Luedemann L (2014) Dynamic T2*-Mapping using Segmented EPI with Multi-TE. In: Kloeck S (ed) Joint Conference of the SSRMP, DGMP, OEGMP. pp 410–412
Georgii J, Bartscherer T, Degel C, Fonfara H, Hewener H, Kipshagen T, Kocev B, Lotz J, Ojdanic D, Olesch J, Rothlübbers S, Speicher D, Tretbar S, Hahn HK, Günther M (2014) Improving Breast Biopsies by Motion Tracking. Proc. of Image-Guided Interventions (IGIC). pp 79–80
Hoinkiss DC, Günther M (2014) Automatic Image Quality Assessment of Head MRI Study Data. Student Conference Medical Engineering Science 2014: Proceedings. 195
Kellner E, Gall P, Günther M, Reisert M, Mader I, Fleysher R, Kiselev VG, Secomb TW (2014) Blood Tracer Kinetics in the Arterial Tree. PLoS ONE 9(10):e109230
Madai VI, von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Weiler F, Sandow N, Günther M, Vajkoczy P, Niendorf T, Wuerfel J, Sobesky J (2014) Depiction of vessel pathology in stroke imaging at 7.0T using non-contrast MPRAGE. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. 2039
Marxen M, Gan G, Schwarz D, Mennigen E, Pilhatsch M, Zimmermann US, Guenther M, Smolka MN (2014) Acute effects of alcohol on brain perfusion monitored with arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging in young adults. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 34:472–479
Mutke MA, Madai VI, von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Zaro-Weber O, Revankar GS, Martin SZ, Stengl KL, Bauer M, Hetzer S, Günther M, Sobesky J (2014) Clinical evaluation of an arterial-spin-labeling product sequence in steno-occlusive disease of the brain. PLoS ONE 9(2):e87143
Rothlübbers S, Schwaab J, Jenne J, Günther M (2014) MICCAI CLUST 2014 – Bayesian Real-Time Liver Feature Ultrasound Tracking. Proc. MICCAI Challenge on Liver Ultrasound Tracking (CLUST 2014). Boston, USA, pp 45–52
Schwaab J, Prall M, Sarti C, Kaderka R, Bert C, Kurz C, Parodi K, Günther M, Jenne J (2014) Ultrasound tracking for intra-fractional motion compensation in radiation therapy. Phys Med 30(5):578–582
Sobesky J, Martin SZ, von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Madai VI, Mutke M, Zaro-Weber O, Hetzer S, Günther M (2014) Non-invasive measurement of brain perfusion in steno-occlusive diseases using arterial spin labeling: clinical evaluation. 23. European Stroke Conference (Nizza)
van Straaten D, Hoogenboom M, van Amerongen M, Weiler F, Al Issawi J, Günther M, Fütterer J, Jenne JW (2014) A Software Tool for advanced MRgFUS Prostate Therapy Planning and Follow-Up. 14th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound
von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Sobesky J, Günther M (2014) Time efficient and robust perfusion measurement using Walsh-reordered time encoded pCASL. Proceedings of Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. 0719
Wolf ME, Layer V, Gregori J, Griebe M, Szabo K, Gass A, Hennerici MG, Günther M, Kern R (2014) Assessment of Perfusion Deficits in Ischemic Stroke Using 3D-GRASE Arterial Spin Labeling Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Multiple Inflow Times: Multi-TI-3D-GRASE ASL Imaging in Ischemic Stroke. J Neuroimaging 24(5):453–459
Gregori J, Schuff N, Kern R, Gunther M (2013) T2-based arterial spin labeling measurements of blood to tissue water transfer in human brain. J Magn Reson Imaging 37(2):332–342
Griebe M, Kern R, Eisele P, Sick C, Wolf ME, Sauter-Servaes J, Gregori J, Günther M, Hennerici MG, Szabo K (2013) Continuous Magnetic Resonance Perfusion Imaging Acquisition during Systemic Thrombolysis in Acute Stroke. Cerebrovascular Diseases 554–559
Jenne JW, Tretbar SH, Hewener HJ, Speicher D, Barthscherer T, Sarti C, Bongers A, Schwaab J, Günther M (2013) Ultrasonography based Motion Tracking for MRgFUS. 13th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound. 115
Kramme J, Günther M (2013) Robust T2 Measurements for Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labeling. Proceedings of the 21st Scientific Meeting ISMRM. 2166
Kramme J, Haller J, Günther M, Jenne J (2013) Magnetic Resonance is Promising in Contributing to find an Ultrasound Dose Definition. Proceedings of the ISTU Annual Meeting 2013, Shanghai, China
Lotz J, Fischer B, Olesch J, Günther M (2013) Real time motion analysis in 4D medical imaging using conditional density propagation. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging. 86690T:pp 1–7
Martin S, von Samson-Himmelstjerna F, Madai VI, Zaro-Weber O, Stengl K, Mutke MA, Hetzer S, Guenther M, Sobesky J (2013) Kontrastmittelfreie Darstellung der Hirnperfusion bei Gefäßstenosen: Perspektiven. 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurointensiv- und Notfallmedizin (DGNI) und der Deutschen Schlaganfallgesellschaft (DSG)
Martin S, von Samson-Himmelstjerna FC, Madai VI, Zaro-Weber O, Mutke MA, Hetzer S, Günther M, Sobesky J (2013) Kontrastmittelfreie Perfusionsmessung mittels MRT: Evaluation bei Patienten mit Hirngefäßstenosen. 86. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie
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