Pathfinding in the Human – Computer Medicine: Fraunhofer MEVIS at Ars Electronica Festival 2016

© Fraunhofer MEVIS
Gefäßbäume in der Lunge mit Metastasen.

Institute Director Prof. Dr. Horst K. Hahn will give two talks in the Deep Space 8k at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria, on September 9 and 10.

During the last three decades, we have witnessed the growing complexity of technology and a flood of data that is filling our hospitals today – functional imaging, full gene sequencing, automated laboratory medicine and much more. For three years now, a paradigm shift has been taking place, triggered by achievements in machine learning with Deep Learning as the most prominent example. But will the clinical structure and the role model remain unaffected? What are the benefits and risks of this digital revolution? Or can a computer even replace a physician?

Horst Hahn follows the track of machine learning in medicine and looks for answers to questions about future role models, the influence of digitization and how emerging human-computer teams achieve a far superior performance while overcoming technical and spatial limits – with effects even in the most remote countries.